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M. P. State Rifle Association
Posted: Sat Jan 06, 2007 3:43 pm
by mundaire
Hony. Secretary
M. P. State Rifle Association
Mahdik Ka Bara
Tal Bazar, Lakshar
Gwalior – 474009
M. P. State Rifle Association
Posted: Thu Sep 04, 2008 10:55 pm
by denzilmatthew
Is this an address of MPSRA. Is it in Gwalior or Bhopal also do let m me know the Phone No. of the club as one of my friend want to become the Member.
Re: M. P. State Rifle Association
Posted: Fri Sep 05, 2008 12:19 am
by TenX
denzilmatthew";p="51717 wrote:
...Is it in Gwalior or Bhopal ...
mundaire";p="9407 wrote:
Gwalior – 474009

Re: M. P. State Rifle Association
Posted: Thu Dec 11, 2008 4:56 pm
by yash3_great
Person to contact: Mr Rakesh Gupta.
Re: M. P. State Rifle Association
Posted: Sun Oct 17, 2010 10:30 am
by tonygunlover
Hello friends
Anyone has details of rifle clubs in MP? Need more information about it.
And also if someone can tell me where all the shooting ranges located in MP?
Is there any shooting range or shooting club in Bhopal ?
Re: M. P. State Rifle Association
Posted: Sun Nov 28, 2010 11:23 am
by Kailash N Sanmukhani
Is this an address of MPSRA. Is it in Gwalior or Bhopal also do let m me know the Phone No. of the club. As i want to become the Member.
-- Sun Nov 28, 2010 12:24 pm --
Is this an address of MPSRA. Is it in Gwalior or Bhopal also do let m me know the Phone No. as i want to become the Member.
Re: M. P. State Rifle Association
Posted: Wed Dec 01, 2010 11:04 pm
by nazeef.kidwai
mundaire wrote:Hony. Secretary
M. P. State Rifle Association
Mahdik Ka Bara
Tal Bazar, Lakshar
Gwalior – 474009
Can anyone confirm that this is really associated with the NRAI...
I was looking at the list of affiliated clubs / associations on the NRAI website, but i couldnt find this.
The form i have got says:
Gwalior District Rifle Club
Mahdik Ka Bara
Tal Bazar, Lakshar
Gwalior –
Kindly suggest...
Re: M. P. State Rifle Association
Posted: Thu Dec 02, 2010 9:26 am
by nazeef.kidwai
Can anyone confirm the above...???
Re: M. P. State Rifle Association
Posted: Mon Apr 04, 2011 1:23 pm
by alfaromeo17
CAn Any1 arrange the phone no????
Re: M. P. State Rifle Association
Posted: Fri Apr 22, 2011 1:15 pm
by abhishek140270
I found contact details.. personally i haven't verified.
For Any Enquiry Please Contact :-
Gagan Singh - 9907753947
Durgesh chourasia - 9303358580
Mukesh chourasia - 9425115786
Re: Shooting club in indore
Posted: Fri Apr 22, 2011 1:29 pm
by kapilj
can any one tell me about shooting clubs in indore
apart from reoti range...
Re: M. P. State Rifle Association
Posted: Fri Jun 10, 2011 1:35 pm
by CanIndianHt
Gwalior Shooting Office
M. P. State Rifle Association
Mahdik Ka Bara
Tal Bazar, Lakshar
Gwalior – 474009
In Indore, apart from Ravety Range, u can go to Sayaji Club. They have a 10 meter air rifle/pistol range, m not sure if they still posses one. Moreover there you have to teach yourself shooting, no coach there, you'll only get a person to unlock the range and watch for you, thats all . Also it's a pay per shot shooting range, meaning u gotta pay per pallet you shoot there, also for targets, unless you bring your own pallets/ targets. And also you can not rent Sayaji club rifle/pistol for competitions.They may support you and let you represent them in any Indian competition as long as you are a good shooter (they will even pay for membership in Indian shooting federation to get you represent them in competitions for free). Btw you have to be a Sayaji club member to use their range, don't worry annual fee is cheaper. Once in a while you might see one of the national shooting team member practicing there. I can not disclose the name.
About obtaining air rifle/pistol, you can rent shooting equipment from people you see in shooting competitions. State teams would love to provide you equipment for a fee or you can always ask MP state team or local Indore team officials for equipment for a fee, they would love to get you started in shooting, that's exactly how I started. Also once you are a member and ready for competitions, participate in state level shooting competitions , they use to held in Emerald Heights Int. School, near MHOW.(m no more sure about it)
Btw i heard that Ravety Range is now providing shooting range for civilians too however you gotta confirm it on your own.
Re: M. P. State Rifle Association
Posted: Fri Jun 10, 2011 2:15 pm
by kapilj
thank you for your quote would ask you again i have any query.....
CanIndianHt wrote:Gwalior Shooting Office
M. P. State Rifle Association
Mahdik Ka Bara
Tal Bazar, Lakshar
Gwalior – 474009
In Indore, apart from Ravety Range, u can go to Sayaji Club. They have a 10 meter air rifle/pistol range, m not sure if they still posses one. Moreover there you have to teach yourself shooting, no coach there, you'll only get a person to unlock the range and watch for you, thats all . Also it's a pay per shot shooting range, meaning u gotta pay per pallet you shoot there, also for targets, unless you bring your own pallets/ targets. And also you can not rent Sayaji club rifle/pistol for competitions.They may support you and let you represent them in any Indian competition as long as you are a good shooter (they will even pay for membership in Indian shooting federation to get you represent them in competitions for free). Btw you have to be a Sayaji club member to use their range, don't worry annual fee is cheaper. Once in a while you might see one of the national shooting team member practicing there. I can not disclose the name.
About obtaining air rifle/pistol, you can rent shooting equipment from people you see in shooting competitions. State teams would love to provide you equipment for a fee or you can always ask MP state team or local Indore team officials for equipment for a fee, they would love to get you started in shooting, that's exactly how I started. Also once you are a member and ready for competitions, participate in state level shooting competitions , they use to held in Emerald Heights Int. School, near MHOW.(m no more sure about it)
Btw i heard that Ravety Range is now providing shooting range for civilians too however you gotta confirm it on your own.
Re: M. P. State Rifle Association
Posted: Wed Sep 17, 2014 10:53 am
by fmkhan
mundaire wrote:Hony. Secretary
M. P. State Rifle Association
Mahdik Ka Bara
Tal Bazar, Lakshar
Gwalior – 474009
I want to register for shooter Id at NRAI, where i should contact
Re: M. P. State Rifle Association
Posted: Sun Nov 13, 2016 4:06 am
by Domencio
There's a shooting range at annapurna road named DREAM OLYMPIC And we have 9 pullies with 3 national coaches. Although you can participate in all the touranments for state and national level from club.
And you can also contact us on. 09977389786,09826588387.
CanIndianHt wrote:Gwalior Shooting Office
M. P. State Rifle Association
Mahdik Ka Bara
Tal Bazar, Lakshar
Gwalior – 474009
In Indore, apart from Ravety Range, u can go to Sayaji Club. They have a 10 meter air rifle/pistol range, m not sure if they still posses one. Moreover there you have to teach yourself shooting, no coach there, you'll only get a person to unlock the range and watch for you, thats all . Also it's a pay per shot shooting range, meaning u gotta pay per pallet you shoot there, also for targets, unless you bring your own pallets/ targets. And also you can not rent Sayaji club rifle/pistol for competitions.They may support you and let you represent them in any Indian competition as long as you are a good shooter (they will even pay for membership in Indian shooting federation to get you represent them in competitions for free). Btw you have to be a Sayaji club member to use their range, don't worry annual fee is cheaper. Once in a while you might see one of the national shooting team member practicing there. I can not disclose the name.
About obtaining air rifle/pistol, you can rent shooting equipment from people you see in shooting competitions. State teams would love to provide you equipment for a fee or you can always ask MP state team or local Indore team officials for equipment for a fee, they would love to get you started in shooting, that's exactly how I started. Also once you are a member and ready for competitions, participate in state level shooting competitions , they use to held in Emerald Heights Int. School, near MHOW.(m no more sure about it)
Btw i heard that Ravety Range is now providing shooting range for civilians too however you gotta confirm it on your own.