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Whats wrong with the system??!!
Posted: Fri Jan 22, 2010 1:32 pm
by shooter
For those watching Abhinav's interview, he has mentioned very clearly, that the NRAI must have qualified and experienced coaches, who have the ability to nurture talent from the early stages to international standards.
Unfortunately, the coaches with the NRAI, the very same officials, who elect the top brass of the NRAI,get themselves appointed as coaches. just to enjoy videsh yatrs (foreign trips) with the team.
Many shooters complain, that these officials instead of learning from other international coaches, only sit around or go shopping.
The NRAI and all other sports associations in the country, have a lot of power because of the Constitution of these Associations. Take for example the some state Rifle Associations, who can vote? Clubs and District Associations ONLY. So people can float hundreds of DUMMY clubs on PAPER, these dummy clubs are then run by their cronies. At the time of the vote, these dummy clubs vote back their netas.
This is what happens in every association. If you really need to change the system, then only the athlete or shooter or any player should be allowed to vote. Any player who has participated in three National Championships, MUST be allowed to Vote. The moment you stop representing the state, you will lose your voting rights. Only State Awardees, may retain the right to vote.
So also the National Federations,If the same rule is applied to voting for the National Federations, Only current players and sports awardees at the national level, Arjuna, Padma SHree,etc should be allowed to vote.
Then you see the sweeping changes that come about.
Merely changing the president and secretary after two terms, will not cut the ice.
Re: Whats wrong with the system??!!
Posted: Fri Jan 22, 2010 1:36 pm
by nagarifle
would agree that the whole system needs to be revamp and should be user friendly.

Re: Whats wrong with the system??!!
Posted: Fri Jan 22, 2010 6:10 pm
by sa_ali
Re: Whats wrong with the system??!!
Posted: Fri Jan 22, 2010 6:24 pm
by nagarifle
elections? now that is new one to me. NRAI as far as i know hav't had a elections for some time.
Re: Whats wrong with the system??!!
Posted: Fri Jan 22, 2010 6:26 pm
by sa_ali
i remember something like 3-4 yrs back. Lot of new members where made prior to that in the meerut district and they were brought in for voting.

Re: Whats wrong with the system??!!
Posted: Fri Jan 22, 2010 6:31 pm
by nagarifle
so when is the next one, and when do we take over the universe?

Re: Whats wrong with the system??!!
Posted: Fri Jan 22, 2010 6:45 pm
by sa_ali
that will be expense considering making members at 15k

Re: Whats wrong with the system??!!
Posted: Fri Jan 22, 2010 7:23 pm
by nagarifle
21+ i think for life

Re: Whats wrong with the system??!!
Posted: Fri Jan 22, 2010 7:47 pm
by goodboy_mentor
Does anyone know the following about NRAI or at least how this information can be found:
a)Detailed acts/notifications by which NRAI was formed/any amendments done later on
b)Present legal status of NRAI
c)Detailed stated objectives/goals of NRAI
d)Detailed constitution and rules of NRAI by which it is supposed to be run to meet it's goals/objectives
e)Details of when and how much NRAI has deviated from it's constitution, rules, stated objectives and goals.
My main purpose is, if NRAI is a government body or an organization being run/funded by government money, it's membership rules and fees should be such that every citizen of the country finds it easy and affordable to join NRAI. Clearly not a fees of Rs 21+K, such an amount of fees displays a motive to make membership unaffordable and discourage common citizens from joining NRAI. This should not be the case for any government body or an organization being run/funded by government money .
Re: Whats wrong with the system??!!
Posted: Sun Jan 24, 2010 8:05 pm
by eternalme
Good point goodboy , cheers !
Re: Whats wrong with the system??!!
Posted: Sun Jan 24, 2010 9:23 pm
by nagarifle
just for interest does any one know what other sports body ie hockey, football charges for membership fees?
Re: Whats wrong with the system??!!
Posted: Sun Jan 24, 2010 11:26 pm
by goodboy_mentor
just for interest does any one know what other sports body ie hockey, football charges for membership fees?
Here we go, we have contact details of all sports federations of India: ... tions.html
I have downloaded the "Constitution" of Indian Olympic Association from as per it the Membership Fees(Admission Fee and Annual Renewal Fee) is Rs 1000 each, for National Sports Federations/Associations included in Olympic, Asian, Commonwealth Games Programme and the SSCB. Hence NRAI is paying only Rs 1000 as membership to IOA but charging the following for membership as per :
Life membership fee: Rs. 21000/-, Membership Card Rs. 75/- plus service Tax @ 10.30 Rs. 2171/- (Total Rs. 23246/-)
Annual membership fee: Admission Fee Rs. 7500/-, Membership Card Rs. 75/- , 5 years advance Membership Fee @ Rs. 500/- per year plus Service Tax @ 10.30% Rs. 1038/-(Total Rs. 11113/-)
Admission fee: Rs. 500/- plus Service Tax @ 10.30% (Total Rs. 552/-) per year
Re: Whats wrong with the system??!!
Posted: Mon Jan 25, 2010 1:35 am
by nagarifle
ta very much

Re: Whats wrong with the system??!!
Posted: Wed Jan 27, 2010 1:10 am
by ravi.sharma
Don't know the insights or the operation philosphy of NRAI
" but in the last thread of NRAI being slapped for Rs. 8 Crore"
. It was mentioned that NRAI is not run by the Sports Authority of India and the link posted by you seems to have the directives for the Club or Associations registered with SAI. Hence, i think NRAI has the liberty of charging membership fees as per their wishes

. Which on Audit (if it happens) will be justified properly against various expenses and promotion of the sports (I was laughing while writting PROMOTION).
As i mentioned earlier, not aware of the insights, so i might be wrong over here. Would love to hear from the members of NRAI.
Re: Whats wrong with the system??!!
Posted: Wed Jan 27, 2010 2:28 pm
by goodboy_mentor
i think NRAI has the liberty of charging membership fees as per their wishes
If I am not wrong, NRAI receives grants from government. So the question arises, if any organization is receiving government money, does the government have no say in the rules, charges and functioning of that organization? Or before granting the money, the government is not required to check the rules, charges and fair functioning of that organization in interest of all citizens?