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Check out this old article by Sanjay Singh
Posted: Mon Dec 11, 2006 5:54 pm
by to_saptarshi
Check out this old article by Sanjay Singh ... sid=175366
I really dont understand the points that he wants to establish.. !!!!

Posted: Mon Dec 11, 2006 6:41 pm
by mundaire
Sounds like an idiot who does not realise the police acknowledged fact that the Mafia
does not use licensed firearms!
And it's no surprise that more and more law abiding citizens in UP are purchasing increasing quantities of arms and ammunition - they live in one of the most poorly policed states in the country, with a high incidence of kidnappings, murders, extortion etc. They have a
very real threat perception!
I'd be very interested in knowing how many guns Mr. Sanjay Singh has at home! The hypocrisy of anti-gun advocates is legendary - for an example close to home,
Maneka Gandhi, herself a gun owner - tried her hardest to ensure that the rest of us would need an arms license to even own an airgun! Thank god, it did not go through
Re: Check out this old article by Sanjay Singh
Posted: Mon Dec 11, 2006 9:20 pm
by penpusher
I posted my comments on this story.They did not post it

Have you noticed one thing.Even this idiot claims that the main pillferage is from the Police and Army Ordnance Depots.Perhaps we should disarm the police and army first.
Re: Check out this old article by Sanjay Singh
Posted: Mon Dec 11, 2006 9:53 pm
by cottage cheese
To me it looks like an earnest and successful effort in proving the existance of babu-sthan citizens(a.k.a. idiots, sub-morons etc.) in all levels of governance.
The reason licences are issued to the wrong kind of people are is the corruption, political pressure and of course the hopelessly inadequate pre-licence verification mechanism
The fart is actually translating gun owhership to automatic voilence and crime.... ignorant fop.
Re: Check out this old article by Sanjay Singh
Posted: Mon Dec 11, 2006 10:13 pm
by Sujay
to_saptarshi";p="7662 wrote:I really dont understand the points that he wants to establish.. !!!!

Let me explain it for you
He is telling us that..
1) Gun dealers are very unhappy because of increased number of firearm licences granted by authorities and as a sign of protest they are rapidly opening new gun shops.
2) Nine lakh licence holders in UP have applied for the position of " shooter" with crime bosses as the later have specified that illegal firearm owners are not eligible to apply.
Lucknow itself has 41,770 licensed arms-holders — and that’s just the official figure
There is an un-official figure of licence holders as well i.e all those possessing firearms are licence holders ( he is telling us not to confuse between licence holders and gun owners. They are one and the same)
4) Dealers are also unhappy that the prices of rifles in black market has come down.
Unfortunately, the government does not discourage people from buying revolvers, pistols, rifles and carbine
Again you see, gun dealers actually want a ban on gun ownership. That's why they are rapidly opening gun shops.
Simple logic of antis.........
Re: Check out this old article by Sanjay Singh
Posted: Mon Dec 11, 2006 10:25 pm
by cottage cheese
Sujay";p="7676 wrote:to_saptarshi";p="7662 wrote:I really dont understand the points that he wants to establish.. !!!!

Let me explain it for you
He is telling us that..
1) Gun dealers are very unhappy because of increased number of firearm licences granted by authorities and as a sign of protest they are rapidly opening new gun shops.
2) Nine lakh licence holders in UP have applied for the position of " shooter" with crime bosses as the later have specified that illegal firearm owners are not eligible to apply.
Lucknow itself has 41,770 licensed arms-holders — and that’s just the official figure
There is an un-official figure of licence holders as well i.e all those possessing firearms are licence holders ( he is telling us not to confuse between licence holders and gun owners. They are one and the same)
4) Dealers are also unhappy that the prices of rifles in black market has come down.
Unfortunately, the government does not discourage people from buying revolvers, pistols, rifles and carbine
Again you see, gun dealers actually want a ban on gun ownership. That's why they are rapidly opening gun shops.
Simple logic of antis.........
Man this is so funny. We should encourage more anti's like them- that ought to cause enough confusion among them to neutralize the antis....
What a bunch of jackasses
Re: Check out this old article by Sanjay Singh
Posted: Tue Dec 12, 2006 6:30 am
by mehulkamdar
Well, if anyone needs proof of how deranged the antis are, here it is. No less an authority than Sigmund Freud considered those who had a hatred for weapons of any kind as delinquents. This character perfectly deserves the term "hoplophobe" for gun haters as coined by the late Col Jeff Cooper. I wish we could organise a public debate with a moron like him. It would be nice to expose these whack jobs on NDTV or some similar channel.
Posted: Mon Dec 18, 2006 4:08 pm
by eljefe
I'd take an entirely different meaning to 'whack job' Mehul...if you know what I mean...
Re: Check out this old article by Sanjay Singh
Posted: Fri Dec 22, 2006 1:54 pm
by TC
The reporter doesnt seem to have much idea about weapons and gun laws....hence he could not give any focus to the report...Its just a mixbag of information but does not hit the point.....
My personal observation as a journalist. Its a pity that my fraternity is full of people like him.
Re: Check out this old article by Sanjay Singh
Posted: Fri Dec 22, 2006 10:56 pm
by penpusher
This article should redeem your tribe
Re: Check out this old article by Sanjay Singh
Posted: Sun Dec 24, 2006 1:55 am
by TC
Thanks penpusher, a very well written report. You see reporters are not supposed to know everything about anything. But they need to have an analytical mind and draw the right inference out of information they have gathered. Smitha Desmukh has done just that.
Re: Check out this old article by Sanjay Singh
Posted: Thu Dec 28, 2006 5:35 am
by to_saptarshi
Here is another one TC though very old ... d=40499555
The only thing I should say
"trigger happy Amdavadis do not mind shelling out a few lakh extra for guns of their choice"

I dont know how ppls thinks that a Gun enthusiastic always has to be a "Trigger Happy" I am qurious to know how many of them are aware of the process of issueing a license in India and the hassels one has to go through to get it finally. So far I have not found any article written on the newspaper about it.
TC any thoughts ???

Re: Check out this old article by Sanjay Singh
Posted: Thu Dec 28, 2006 1:34 pm
by TC
penpusher, cant believe what I read ::::
"According to police officials, people are ready to pay a couple of lakhs for even second-hand guns. "Some dealers sell the .32 bore IOF made revolver for Rs 1.5 lakh, whereas its actual cost is Rs 62,000," says DCP K K Ojha."
Now who would do that ?
Regarding articles on difficulty in getting licence and procurement let me see...
So long