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Another posters (India/America)

Posted: Tue Sep 29, 2009 7:00 am
by Oleg Volk

Re: Another posters (India/America)

Posted: Tue Sep 29, 2009 7:55 am
by timmy
I like it!

Re: Another posters (India/America)

Posted: Tue Sep 29, 2009 8:09 am
by Vikram

Very apt and thank you for the photographs.


Re: Another posters (India/America)

Posted: Wed Sep 30, 2009 9:14 pm
by mundaire
Excellent :)


Re: Another posters (India/America)

Posted: Fri Oct 02, 2009 12:22 pm
by xl_target
There has been some criticism of this poster saying that Indians do not lack freedom.

The specific freedom that is being touted here is the Right to Keep and Bear Arms. The point being made here is that it is a competitive advantage for America to be able to draw qualified people to the US. The right to own the tools for hunting and self defense (without having to submit to excessively burdensome regulations) is a definite consideration in my decision to continue to live in the US (and I'm sure of some forum members of Indian origin who live in the US)

Here is what Oleg says:
My poster points out that more freedom = more smart people coming here.
Oleg is a rather unique individual in that his vision shows a remarkable tolerance for someone as young as he is. If there is any racial bias in him it is not evident from either his work or his persona. I personally do not see any criticism of Indians in this poster. If anything, I see the poster saying that the US should encourage the immigration of qualified people from other countries.

Re: Another posters (India/America)

Posted: Fri Oct 02, 2009 5:19 pm
by Oleg Volk
You got that right! The point of the poster is that freedom attracts better grade of immigrants. Hong Kong attracted people because it had more economic freedom than its neighbors. USA did the same because it had more political and gun freedom. We no longer rate all that highly on economic freedom and, should we lose other attractions as well, we would no longer attract good immigrants.

That is an intellectual argument for the US conservatives and an emotional argument for the US liberals.

Re: Another posters (India/America)

Posted: Tue Feb 16, 2010 6:06 am
by gunnera4
oleg volk is very well known and respected in u.s. firearms circles as a photographer and advocate of gun rights. he is also a fine example of a quality immigrant coming to the united states. as also is bobby jindal, the governor of the state of louisiana, whose parents emigrated here from india. governor jindal was born here in the u.s. so he is legally able to run for president, and many people, myself included, would vote for him if he were to choose to run. (and oleg, we've met online, i'm "gunner" in the "women and guns" forum, and i'm pleased to see your fame becoming international, it's well deserved.)

Re: Another posters (India/America)

Posted: Thu Feb 18, 2010 10:24 pm
by Anand
Aah! there will be critics and there will be nitpickers, I have to say India still has some freedoms that even the US has decided to regulate, fire crackers for example :D .
However, we are in grave danger of losing our freedom to own and legitimately use firearms for defense & recreation, what with our not having a "second amendment" in our Constitution. The point is well made by that poster. Oleg is known to most gun aficianados frequenting other gun forums and is a fantastic photographer.