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Filing a PIL in SC regarding self defense

Posted: Wed Jun 17, 2009 10:44 am
by warthog
The police reject anyone who wants a weapon for self defence.I think applying for license for self defense is legitimate.SOmeone should file a PIL asking SC to allow gun license for self defense

Re: Filing a PIL in SC regarding self defense

Posted: Wed Jun 17, 2009 10:48 am
by goodboy_mentor
A lawyer in our forum can give an idea.

Re: Filing a PIL in SC regarding self defense

Posted: Wed Jun 17, 2009 11:21 am
by kanwar76
warthog wrote:The police reject anyone who wants a weapon for self defence.I think applying for license for self defense is legitimate.SOmeone should file a PIL asking SC to allow gun license for self defense
Why don't you take initiative and start something we will help you according to our abilities.


Re: Filing a PIL in SC regarding self defense

Posted: Wed Jun 17, 2009 7:10 pm
by warthog
i lack the resources

ps:who is the new owner of the forum?

Re: Filing a PIL in SC regarding self defense

Posted: Mon Jul 06, 2009 1:42 pm
by nagarifle
warthog wrote:
ps:who is the new owner of the forum?

why me of course! and as the new owner i ban all other self styled owners. so do not question me over this or else you are going to be banned.

Re: Filing a PIL in SC regarding self defense

Posted: Fri Jul 10, 2009 1:38 pm
by warthog
as a lawyer you have total disregard of rights.Why be so agressive,i only wanted to know who is the new owner.

Re: Filing a PIL in SC regarding self defense

Posted: Fri Jul 10, 2009 1:54 pm
by nagarifle
warthog wrote:as a lawyer you have total disregard of rights.Why be so agressive,i only wanted to know who is the new owner.
lawyer? who me? aggressive who me? :lol:

so you ar looking to get banned then? :?:

Re: Filing a PIL in SC regarding self defense

Posted: Fri Jul 10, 2009 3:28 pm
by The Doc
nagarifle wrote: lawyer? who me? aggressive who me? :lol:
Owner ? Who you ? :mrgreen:

:lol: :lol:

Re: Filing a PIL in SC regarding self defense

Posted: Fri Jul 10, 2009 4:34 pm
by mundaire
As far as I know there is already enough legal precedent on this, what needs to be done is that arms license applicants whose applications get rejected by the licensing authority need to follow due process and take up their individual cases with the courts. Many people have acquired their arms licenses in this manner (after being initially rejected).

Process to be followed - apply --> get rejected --> appeal to the appellate authority --> get rejected --> file a RTI to ascertain the basis on which your license/ appeal was rejected and to get the same in writing --> follow the RTI process to it's conclusion through appeals etc. till this information is given to you --> get a good lawyer and file your case in court, use the material gathered through the RTI to beef up the case --> pray for the case to go before a sympathetic judge!

Till such time that the licensing system is completely overhauled or scrapped, there isn't much else that can be done. Will be interested to hear what any of the lawyers here have to say....


Re: Filing a PIL in SC regarding self defense

Posted: Fri Jul 10, 2009 4:34 pm
by hamiclar01
nagarifle wrote: why me of course! and as the new owner i ban all other self styled owners. so do not question me over this or else you are going to be banned.
all this happened naga, because you forgot the obligatory smileys.

they are a bit like laughter tracks in telly serials. you have to hint people to laugh.

Re: Filing a PIL in SC regarding self defense

Posted: Fri Jul 10, 2009 6:56 pm
by nagarifle
sorry to inform you that we nagas do not laugh or smile, high taxes etc has wiped smiles of our faces.
if one does not have a scene of humor then and unable to read between the lines or look at the whole pic then one needs a dram of amber nector down ones throat. since Nagaland is dry state i can not even do that. therefor as a human bing i have noting to smile about. on the other hand if the gent from cambs would like to buy me a pint by punting house near the ouse, then that might bring a smile to my face. :D

any way are you looking to get banned?

Re: Filing a PIL in SC regarding self defense

Posted: Fri Jul 10, 2009 8:00 pm
by hamiclar01
awwww, cheer up mate. look at the weather , or rather, don't look at the weather. hmmm, look at the birds and the wonders of nature...actually, don't look there either. hmmm, right , amber nectar it is, which you're more than welcome to if you ever plan to punt here.

Re: Filing a PIL in SC regarding self defense

Posted: Fri Jul 10, 2009 11:16 pm
by nagarifle
now i can :D at your offer, since its been long time since i was in cambs, used to have family home in cottnham and peterborough, next time when in town i will collect my amber necter pint thereof. so now i have one reason to smile :D any more offers?

oh yes you are not banned. :D

Re: Filing a PIL in SC regarding self defense

Posted: Fri Jul 10, 2009 11:23 pm
by hamiclar01

Re: Filing a PIL in SC regarding self defense

Posted: Sat Jul 11, 2009 5:26 am
by Sakobav
Hail the chief naga hic LOL :mrgreen:
