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Friends do you believe this audacious article?
Posted: Fri Dec 12, 2008 4:42 pm
by jayanta mukherjee
Well found this article.. I could not believe it that........ I think before doing the research they took into count not the number of guns per indiviuals but the number of applications for obtaining the licence. Am finding it difficult to control the epithats.......
the link is
And advance thanks to let your comments pour.
Posted: Fri Dec 12, 2008 5:25 pm
by mundaire
IIRC in 2003/2004 Delhi had only 55,000 or so licensed firearms - in the entire state. This was as per a statement by a senior Delhi police official. Wait, I think I posted a link to the article on IFG.
Got it, it's here:
Re: Friends do you believe this audacious article?
Posted: Fri Dec 12, 2008 7:16 pm
by raj
During the Madhya pradesh state elections(2008), all the civilians(except for Govt. employes) were asked to submitt their firearms either to nearest gun shop or to nearest police station(achar sanhita).i too surrendered my .22IOF rifle.
But many people didn't do it.hence collector released an order that those who wont submit their arms will get their licence cancelled.a local news channel innvestigated the whole issue and gave following shocking figures:
Total No. of licenced Fire Arms Owned By cvilians(MP):one lakh& fifteen thousand.
Total No. of Fire Arms Owned madhya pradesh police:seventy thousand.
Re: Friends do you believe this audacious article?
Posted: Fri Dec 12, 2008 7:43 pm
by penpusher
So the obvious conclusions being
a) the civilians owned more firearms than the police.So the civilians outgunned the police.
b) this was a truly dangerous situation as the citizens of the state could rise up in revolt at any time against the govt. which, incidentally they themselves had elected.
c)the police may have rifles and automatic firearms including light machine guns and even mortars,however the large no.of citizens primarily armed with single barrel and double barrel shotguns, with their annual quota of 25 cartridges each, could over-whelm them.
d) the LICENSED gun owners are all of a criminal bent of mind.Which law abiding citizen requires a license for a firearm?
e)These licensed firearm holders have the organizational ability to act as a cohesive unit and the training to carry out their nefarious designs(which remain unknown).
f)they have a common cause,in the furtherance of which they would start killing and maiming people and the police,lacking superiority in firepower would be helpless to stop them.
g)not only this,they are committed to their cause to the extent that they are willing to risk injury or death in a confrontation with the police.
h) policemen's training in the use of firearms is inferior as compared to that of ordinary armed citizens who may or may not even have fired their guns ever since they got them.
I fail to understand the point that you wish to make by posting this
Re: Friends do you believe this audacious article?
Posted: Fri Dec 12, 2008 8:41 pm
by raj
Mr. penpusher ,
with all due respect i wish to ask you why have you posted such a rude reply on my post on the above topic??
i didn't wanted to conclude anything with my was a piece of information related to the topic mentioned by the author about high number of firearms with indian citizens.
my post only contained facts and figures about the fire-arm ownership.nothing more & nothing less.
Beinng new to IFG, i didn't knew posting some facts would result in this kind of harsh conversations.
apologies for any misbehaviour to senior members of IFG from my side.
Re: Friends do you believe this audacious article?
Posted: Fri Dec 12, 2008 9:12 pm
by penpusher
raj";p="61657 wrote:
a local news channel innvestigated the whole issue and gave following shocking figures:
Total No. of licenced Fire Arms Owned By cvilians(MP):one lakh& fifteen thousand.
Total No. of Fire Arms Owned madhya pradesh police:seventy thousand.
Kindly explain why this information is 'SHOCKING'
Re: Friends do you believe this audacious article?
Posted: Fri Dec 12, 2008 9:45 pm
by raj
means it was a shocking news for me,because i didn't knew that number of firearms in my state is that much high.
it was shocking because everyone is talking about india's gun control policies,so i was a shocked to hear that inspite of these gun control measures,number of fire arm ownership is beyond one lakh.
Re: Friends do you believe this audacious article?
Posted: Fri Dec 12, 2008 9:55 pm
by yash3_great
Population of MP is little more than 6 crore at present. That is one licensed gun per 60 people!
Re: Friends do you believe this audacious article?
Posted: Fri Dec 12, 2008 10:00 pm
by penpusher
As per the 2001 census(that is the figure that I could get from the net) the total population of MP was 60348023(the figure would be much higher now).Even if 1/2 of this population is in-eligible for a license the figure is 30174011 who can get a license.Considering this only .38% of the states population has firearms.Is that shocking?
Re: Friends do you believe this audacious article?
Posted: Fri Dec 12, 2008 10:04 pm
by raj
It was called "shocking" as the number was compared with the number of firearms with madhya pradesh police..
no. of weapons with police =60%of weapons with civilians.
Re: Friends do you believe this audacious article?
Posted: Fri Dec 12, 2008 11:16 pm
by penpusher
Posted: Fri Dec 12, 2008 11:42 pm
by shahid
It is no longer required to deposit firearms for electins now since 2007 UP elections, An ordinance to this effect exists. This was purely misuse of administrative powers in MP.
Posted: Fri Dec 12, 2008 11:52 pm
by badshah0522
nice images

Posted: Sat Dec 20, 2008 12:16 am
by TenX
penpusher";p="61687 wrote:
As per the 2001 census(that is the figure that I could get from the net) the total population of MP was 60348023(the figure would be much higher now).Even if 1/2 of this population is in-eligible for a license the figure is 30174011 who can get a license.Considering this only .38% of the states population has firearms.Is that shocking?
raj";p="61688 wrote:
It was called "shocking" as the number was compared with the number of firearms with madhya pradesh police..
no. of weapons with police =60%of weapons with civilians.
Shocking facts have to be reloooked apart from how it is portrayed.
If one considers the number of civilians to number of policemen, then the arm ratio would shoot up dramatically.
I mean, for say 100 civilians, there are 40 guns, and for 30 police, there are 30 guns. A direct ratio of guns would mean that the civilians have 33% more guns than cops, but when you look at the actual ratio, 100% of police have guns, while only 40% of civilians are armed...
Just my Perspective

Re: Friends do you believe this audacious article?
Posted: Sat Dec 20, 2008 12:43 am
by penpusher
It is 0.38