"Anti" posters @ ADCP (Licensing) Delhi

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Post by snIPer » Wed Dec 10, 2008 12:35 pm

Instead of posting ads in the papers which needs a lot of financial support we can start off IMMEDIATELY by sending out pro gun emails to all our contacts. That way we can cover a lot more people much faster and in a more effective way. If Abhijeet can send out one after drafting it then we can start on this right away.

About ads in papers i guess it costs around 15k for a decent sized ad. Maybe we can have spocs for regions and then work on it. Lets start off with the metros rather than trying to cover all the cities.
I can donate for this just cause (if small contributions count) :roll:
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Post by Rottmeister » Wed Dec 10, 2008 12:41 pm

Dear Moderators,

If every IFG-an puts in some amount - say Rs. 100, then how much is it going to make? Also, I would like to include something else here.

Mr. Dhoni is now a proud owner of a 9mm and it's Mr. Soren who is gifting it to him. So that means the govt. is being partial in evaluating the life of a subject. If Mr. Dhoni can keep one for himself, why can't we? Or is it that our lives are of less value since we are not in the Indian cricket team?

I'm thankful for being able to donate for a good cause; I hope the rest of the IFG-ans shall as well.
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Re: "Anti" posters @ ADCP (Licensing) Delhi

Post by yash3_great » Wed Dec 10, 2008 12:45 pm

Leading daily papers with country wide distribution would indeed be lakhs for a single day. Can we start displaying these posters at other places; for business people they can post it at their shops. I have a one at my workstation and it has caught a lot of attention and curiosity :) All for good awareness.

Ofcourse any small contribution that all of us can make, financially and otherwise would be of great consequence.

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Re: "Anti" posters @ ADCP (Licensing) Delhi

Post by Mack The Knife » Wed Dec 10, 2008 12:55 pm


You are right. I spoke to my wife who is in media and here are a few prices to give you a taste of what is involved.

A coloured advert in the Times of India (Mumbai, Delhi, Bangalore, Poona, Calcutta, Lucknow, Ahmedabad, Hyderabad, Nagpur, Chennai and Jaipur) will cost Rs.6,800.00 per sq. cm.. Hence a 640x480 coloured advert would cost Rs.20,889,600.00

A coloured advert in ToI city supplements will cost the following:

Bombay Times: Rs.2,335.00 per sq. cm.
Mumbai Times: Rs.480.00 per sq. cm.
Delhi Times: Rs.1370.00 per sq. cm.
Bangalore Times: Rs. 1095.00 per sq.cm.
Poona Times: Rs.575.00 per sq. cm.
Calcutta Times: Rs.575.00 per sq. cm.
Ahmedabad Times: Rs.250.00 per sq. cm.
Lucknow Times: Rs.205.00 per sq. cm.
Chennai Times: Rs.595.00 per sq. cm.
Jaipur Times: Rs.120.00 per sq. cm.
Goa Times: Rs.60.00 per sq. cm.
Baroda Times: Rs.145.00 per sq. cm.
Hyderabad Times: Rs.320.00 per sq. cm.
Kanpur Times: Rs.90.00 per sq. cm.
Chandigarh Times: Rs.155.00 per sq. cm.
Surat Times: Rs.75.00 per sq. cm.
Nagpur Times: Rs.65.00 per sq. cm.
Banares Times: Rs.45.00 per sq. cm.
Ludhiana Times: Rs.50.00 per sq. cm.

I am told that India Today would be cheaper and Outllook would cost roughly half that of India Today. However, I do not have their rates.

Another idea is to pose a question on the merits of gun ownership on sites such as Face Book and My Space.

Last night, there was something on NDTV about the advertising fraternity in Bombay providing drop boxes around Mumbai asking for suggestions from Mumbaikars. If one of the Mumbai members could print out your article in American Thinker along with all three of Oleg's posters and put it in the drop box, it may just come to the attention of the media and give our cause some much needed exposure.

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Post by TenX » Wed Dec 10, 2008 1:15 pm

shahid";p="61353 wrote: Me and others who wish to contribute.
... Then someone would have to do some ground work and find out the costs.... :)
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Post by Rottmeister » Wed Dec 10, 2008 1:34 pm

Why did you people missed out on The Statesman?
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Post by snIPer » Wed Dec 10, 2008 2:01 pm

What about asking Readers Digest to cover this.
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Post by eternalme » Wed Dec 10, 2008 2:31 pm

Greetings !!,

Another alternate method is to circulate bills and posters along with the news papers.
The local newspaper guys used to charge 70 rs for 300 such bills.
We don't need to exhaust our resources and stop before we start even.
I have sent the posters to the aajtak.com lets see if they pay any heed to them, in the mean time I will get the latest prices for circulating the posters and bills along with the news paper.

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Post by TenX » Wed Dec 10, 2008 2:37 pm

Good idea eternalme..
... and nice initiative to send it to aajtak. Not that I am in anyway complaining, but what comes in the papers is regarded more than the pamphlets that go along. And these guys dont always do their job well. Sometimes, they put in several sheets in the same paper delivery!
But its is indeed a good and cheap way to start with.
If we could also get some posters printed, we could locate public places with notice boards, like coffee day and pubs, that could hold it for a while... :)
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Post by Rottmeister » Wed Dec 10, 2008 3:33 pm

Pubs yes, coffee day - NO.
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Post by TenX » Wed Dec 10, 2008 4:40 pm

RottLord";p="61419 wrote: Pubs yes, coffee day - NO.
On sunday afternoons, a big crown of hangover-ed people hang out at coffee joints ;)
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Post by snIPer » Wed Dec 10, 2008 4:54 pm

Well frankly you get a high in both the places so it doesn't matter :-) put em up in both the places.
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Post by Rottmeister » Wed Dec 10, 2008 9:06 pm

Ok guys, then I think it shall be the best if we forward the donations to Mr. Singh first. He can get the posters printed and forward them to us. Else, he needs to issue an authorising letter and the designs to all who are willing to work for it and we can get the stuff printed locally and can also put it up.
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Post by mundaire » Wed Dec 10, 2008 9:22 pm

Guys, please no donations for the next 10 days - by which time (all going well) IFG should have it's own bank a/c & legal status etc.

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Post by Ticky » Thu Dec 11, 2008 10:14 am

I have my doubts about the news papers even taking such adds which might provoke the Govt. to act upon, but I quite like the idea.

Also, have to guys seen the hoardings of "what does Bangalore think?" on the way to Jayamahal from Millers road? Me thinks this is a good idea too!
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