Review of Arms Act and Arms policy

Discussions on the Right to Keep and Bear Arms.
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Re: Review of Arms Act and Arms policy

Post by eaglesharp10 » Fri Apr 02, 2010 12:02 am

its so funny and dumb

i think its a conspiracty to distroy indian warrior culture and
bridge the gap between rich powerful and poor. its so funny that
mps, very rich and high ranking officals can get the licence and even
imported guns though they don`t need a gun cuz they r already provided
with security guards with automatic weapons lol.they also hav made so called provisions
for the issue of licence who face terriorist threats i think 99% of people
who were killed by terriorist were not threatened by terriorists and
as they were not havin guns they were not able to fight bac and died like they r also planning to issue few ammos dumb when someone attacks u
.u hav a fraction of a second to fire bac in selfdefence and without
practice u can`t do that .i still remember a case where my friends family was
murdered only cuz his father was not able to fire from his legally owned
gun cuz he was immature and not swift enough cuz he don`t use to practice.

and we r always threatened by pak , china wat if there is a war between
them and suppose they win we all will become their slave cuz then our stick
or arrows whould be able to match that latest weapons.

so all my brothers here if we lost our right for guns we will lose our
respect, bravery, protection evrything lets all of us join hands againt these
anti common man, anti self defence , anti bravery laws

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Re: Review of Arms Act and Arms policy

Post by mahboob » Fri Apr 02, 2010 12:18 am

hi all ,
if forum or NAGRI people agree i can try and talk to kanishka singhji and bhanwar jitendra singhji to get an appointment for a delegation to meet rahul gandhi ji .



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Re: Review of Arms Act and Arms policy

Post by goodboy_mentor » Fri Apr 02, 2010 11:51 am

I fully agree with eaglesharp10. Moreover MHA is also proposing a "database" of legal firearms so that possible occupiers/conquerors/hackers/terrorists/insurgents of India get hold of database and reach each and every home to disarm the people. Given that corruption is rampart in government departments, no wonder it could be a deep rooted conspiracy to slowly erase the martial traditions out of collective consciousness of Indians.

I agree with Mehboob, the forum and/or NAGRI need to take a decision. I am willing to be a part of any delegation to meet anybody who can help us, including Rahul Gandhi. Until forum/NAGRI is able to take a decision, I would request all to take individual initiatives, collect maximum supporters from every walk of life, make representation to their political representatives to express strong objections against the unreasonable restrictions under Arms Act 1959 and demand their removal and recognise that RKBA is a Fundamental Right guaranteed by the Constitution of India under Articles 19 and 21.
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