Anti-Gun Senator shoots intruder in home

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Anti-Gun Senator shoots intruder in home

Post by Subal das » Fri Mar 05, 2010 8:34 am ... 87987/P10/
Long time Anti-Gun Advocate State Senator R.C. Soles, 74, shot one of two intruders at his home just outside Tabor City, N.C. About 5 p.m. Sunday, the prosecutor for the politician's home county said.

The victim, Kyle Blackburn, was taken to a South Carolina hospital, but the injuries were not reported to be life-threatening, according to Rex Gore, district attorney for Columbus, Bladen and Brunswick counties..

The State Bureau of Investigation and Columbus County Sheriff's Department are investigating the shooting, Gore said. Soles, who was not arrested,declined to discuss the incident Sunday evening.

"I am not in a position to talk to you," Soles said by telephone. "I'm right in the middle of an investigation."

The Senator, who has made a career of being against gun ownership for the general public, didn't hesitate to defend himself with his own gun when he believed he was in immediate danger and he was the victim.

In typical hypocritical liberal fashion, the "Do As I Say And Not As I Do" Anti-Gun Activist Lawmaker picked up his gun and took action in what apparently was a self-defense shooting. Why hypocritical you may ask? It is because his long legislative record shows that the actions that he took to protect his family, his own response to a dangerous life threatening situation, are actions that he feels ordinary citizens should not have if they were faced with an identical situation.

It has prompted some to ask if the Senator believes his life and personal safety is more valuable than yours or mine.
But, this is to be expected from those who believe they can run our lives, raise our kids, and protect our families better than we can. Also, they believe they deserve better pensions and better health care.
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Re: Anti-Gun Senator shoots intruder in home

Post by badcheetah » Fri Mar 05, 2010 11:52 am

It would be intresting to get his Views on Gun Ownership now. Its really sad when people know what they are saying is not correct but still do the same.

I guess the Intruders knew that since the senator was Long time Anti-Gun Advocate , their task would be easy and even if they were caught they could make their exit and considered him to be a soft target .
Had they knew that the senator had a weapon in the house they would have thaught about it twice ...

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Re: Anti-Gun Senator shoots intruder in home

Post by nagarifle » Fri Mar 05, 2010 12:10 pm

it goes to show that anti gun people love to own and relay on arms themselves. :D and tell lies to you and me.

if you say it can not be done, then you are right, for you, it can not be done.

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Re: Anti-Gun Senator shoots intruder in home

Post by Zake » Fri Mar 05, 2010 12:18 pm

So basically what they are saying is , "You can't have a gun. But I can !! Heck I'm a senator ! "

It's the same here isn't it ? People with 5 body guards ask the common people demanding a license, "Is there a threat on your life ? Then why do you need a gun ?"


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Re: Anti-Gun Senator shoots intruder in home

Post by ravi.sharma » Fri Mar 05, 2010 6:43 pm

So basically what they are saying is , "You can't have a gun. But I can !! Heck I'm a senator ! "

It's the same here isn't it ? People with 5 body guards ask the common people demanding a license, "Is there a threat on your life ? Then why do you need a gun ?"

:agree: Typical case. I am supreme then you, my life is more important as far as your life goes its of no value. These are the type of people, who are potentially much more dangerous to the society at large then the actual criminals.

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Re: Anti-Gun Senator shoots intruder in home

Post by eljefe » Fri Mar 05, 2010 7:41 pm

change names and locale to India.
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Re: Anti-Gun Senator shoots intruder in home

Post by nagarifle » Fri Mar 05, 2010 8:39 pm

just thinking on this i bet the American was glad that he did not truly believe what he preached :D

if you say it can not be done, then you are right, for you, it can not be done.

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Re: Anti-Gun Senator shoots intruder in home

Post by Darklord » Thu Mar 11, 2010 9:26 pm

The senator pleaded guilty for assault with a deadly weapon and got a fine of $1000. ... ?p=4&tc=pg
The shooting

Shortly after 4 p.m. on Aug. 23, Blackburn, Wright and an unidentified woman went to Soles' Tabor City home, breached the security gate and started banging on doors and windows, special prosecutor for the Attorney General's Office James J. Coman said as he presented evidence during the hearing.

Soles ignored the attempts to get his attention so Wright drove his SUV all over the senator's lawn, causing damage. Wright and Blackburn then decided to drink liquor on Soles' dock.

After more than an hour, Wright kicked Soles' front door three times, Coman said.

“At that time he decided he needed to take matters into his own hands,” he said. Instead of calling the police, Soles shot his gun twice in the air, one of the bullets hitting Blackburn in the back of the leg.
They were there for one hour and he did not call the police?
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Re: Anti-Gun Senator shoots intruder in home

Post by Sakobav » Fri Mar 12, 2010 6:39 am

Read the latest Economist support for pro gun rights has grown from 51% to 64% in 2008 and 2009..Democrats better be careful because many state legislatures are acting proactively to shield their gun laws and rights against any hanky panky idiotic laws that are crafted.

BTW Smart Kid,2933,588904,00.html
NORWALK, Calif. — A 7-year-old boy who called 911 while armed robbers threatened his parents hugged and delivered a high five to the dispatcher who took his call.

The boy, identified only as Carlos, told reporters Wednesday he remained calm during the ordeal because his mother used to make him practice dialing 911 in case of emergencies.

Carlos gave a hug to Los Angeles County Sheriff's dispatcher Monique Patino, who called the boy "my little hero."

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Re: Anti-Gun Senator shoots intruder in home

Post by Big Gay Al » Fri Mar 19, 2010 1:57 am

I don't know if you get this television program in India, here we get a program called "No Reservations" with Anthony Bourdain. Now, I don't really know who he is, but he goes all over the world trying different cuisine. And he's from New York City. In one program, he spent time in Texas at the ranch of Ted Nugent. Ted took him out shooting, he loved it. But in typical anti-gun fashion, he was overheard to say "no one should have guns but him." Or words to that effect.

I don't know if she still does, but at one time, California Senator Diane Feinstein had a California concealed carry permit. Just another example of elitist hypocrisy. Unfortunately, we've got too many such examples.
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Re: Anti-Gun Senator shoots intruder in home

Post by Sakobav » Fri Mar 19, 2010 7:41 am

big Al

"Ted took him out shooting, he loved it. But in typical anti-gun fashion, he was overheard to say "no one should have guns but him." Or words to that effect.

I don't know if she still does, but at one time, California Senator Diane Feinstein had a California concealed carry permit. Just another example of elitist hypocrisy. Unfortunately, we've got too many such examples."

This is elitist mentality .along with sense of entitlement is quite prevalent in ruling class around the world.


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Re: Anti-Gun Senator shoots intruder in home

Post by hvj1 » Fri Mar 19, 2010 9:26 am

nagarifle wrote:just thinking on this i bet the American was glad that he did not truly believe what he preached :D
Most politicians are genuine bullshit artists, taking upon themselves 'supposed ideals' which they hope would score brownie points with their voters and add to their supposed public image. But in real life, you have the recent example which exposes their true leanings.
In India too, we have CAFI and their Secretary General, mouthing anti gun rhetoric, all this is done for getting their 'shop' going. (Dukaan chalana hai bhai).

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