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[AP] Member Feedback - Rafiq Armoury (Hyderabad)
Posted: Tue Oct 07, 2008 12:03 am
by HydNawab
Dont deal with this guy.This is the biggest theif and scamster of them all.This Shafiq fellow is the big liar and a cheat.He changed my uncles scope from his rifle and said that it was the same one I had deposited.The scope I had mounted on the .22 rifle was a Zeiss and he changed it to a simmons and he has the gutts to ask me to search for the zeiss scope at home.
Had heard 2-3 stories about this fellow but never thought it were true.
I was going to file an FIR but my uncle stopped me and asked me not to do anything.
This is the same person who owns Rafiq Armoury, Target Point and Gun Affairs in Hyderabad.
Ashar Raoof
Posted: Tue Oct 07, 2008 12:39 am
by TenX
HydNawab";p="55357 wrote:
...and he has the gutts to ask me to search for the zeiss scope at home....
BTW, did you find the zeiss at home

Re: Rafiq Armoury - Hyderabad
Posted: Tue Oct 07, 2008 9:54 am
by HydNawab
No Tenx.Its plain and simple.He wacked it!
Posted: Tue Oct 07, 2008 9:58 am
by TenX
HydNawab";p="55393 wrote:
No Tenx.Its plain and simple.He wacked it!
Nawabji.. I got that.. I was only pulling your leg

Posted: Tue Oct 07, 2008 10:06 am
by The Doc
HydNawab";p="55357 wrote:
I was going to file an FIR
You should have Ashar

or you should have gone to the consumer forum.
Re: Rafiq Armoury - Hyderabad
Posted: Tue Oct 07, 2008 10:12 am
by HydNawab
Doc, the problem was that there was no way that I could prove that I had given him a zeiss.The deposit slip just mentioned the serial number and make.And that too I deposit and collect it for my unlce who lives in Scotland.I was very embarrased and angry but he asked me to just let it go.(Being the gentleman that he is)
Posted: Tue Oct 07, 2008 11:36 am
by SRI 420
Hi Ashar Bhai adab,
Sorry to know about the incident, dealt with Mr. Shafiq once some time back but din't create a good impression. Thanks for the warning.
Posted: Tue Oct 07, 2008 12:12 pm
by TenX
Maybe IFG should have "recommended", "moderate" and "cautionary" lists of all gun dealers in India... and members who have had experiences can post the same, rating the dealer on multiple aspects of reliability/expertise/costing/cordial/etc. Based on these ratings all dealers will be categorized automatically into the classification. Will be worthwhile for all to refer...

Posted: Tue Oct 07, 2008 1:15 pm
by The Doc
HydNawab";p="55398 wrote:
Doc, the problem was that there was no way that I could prove that I had given him a zeiss.
You are right Ashar and that dealer must have known it too !!!
Posted: Tue Oct 07, 2008 1:25 pm
by marksman
Most gun dealers decide their modus operandi after sizing up the customer. In my teens I gave my only and most precious B.S.A Meteor air rifle to a gun dealer in Mbai to have the spring changed. He not only changed the spring but also changed the sights and trigger mechanism. the gun became inoperable cause it wouldn't cock at all. The dealer as in Asher's case said that's how it was. A poor 14 year old me could't do anything but cry my heart out. God has been kind and I have been avenging this dealer since. He is not all that bad anymore now but I never let him forget what he did to me as a boy and take a lot of undue advantages out of him as well. Heh...heh...and that's why I don't name him in this forum. I love playing a villain in such cases. BADLAA....BADLAA...BADLAA... God will certainly give you your turn Asher.. Amen!
Posted: Tue Oct 07, 2008 1:36 pm
by The Doc
marksman";p="55430 wrote:
God has been kind and I have been avenging this dealer since.
Bravo ! Well done Marksman !!
How have you been avenging this guy ?
Posted: Tue Oct 07, 2008 1:49 pm
by marksman
BTW, a dealer from Mbai fleeced a famous and rich friend off by Rs.50,000/ only for a bluing job for an over under Browning superposed shotgun that originally belonged to his Late father. From the very inception of this transaction all precaution were taken to prevent the leak to me. I did not have the heart to tell him the truth after he revealed this and proudly showed off the gun to me.
Posted: Tue Oct 07, 2008 1:57 pm
by marksman
I have my own sweet way Doc, works well for me. For this stupid little mistake he made decades ago, the dealer witll suffer for a life time. Mine or his.
Posted: Tue Oct 07, 2008 7:56 pm
by mundaire
TenX";p="55423 wrote:
Maybe IFG should have "recommended", "moderate" and "cautionary" lists of all gun dealers in India... and members who have had experiences can post the same, rating the dealer on multiple aspects of reliability/expertise/costing/cordial/etc. Based on these ratings all dealers will be categorized automatically into the classification. Will be worthwhile for all to refer...
For this to happen, we need inputs from ALL members... there is a dealer list already in place here, they can leave their feedback about the dealer in the thread where that dealers details are mentioned. If the dealer is not listed here, they can start a new thread list his details there as well as leave feedback.
And this would mean listing out positive experiences as well as the negative ones. The best way to punish the crooks and reward the gentlemen is through your respective wallets!