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Tamilnadu Armoury-chennai-35
Posted: Sun Jan 21, 2007 1:39 pm
by striker
Tamilnadu Armoury
642,Anna Salai
Dealer in Air rifles,Air pistols,Np bore guns,Np Bore Cartridges.
Re: Tamilnadu Armoury-chennai-35
Posted: Tue Nov 04, 2008 1:57 pm
by Anand
I 've dealt with Mr.Satyanarayana of Tamil Nadu Armoury 3 times this year and will be dealing with him again in a few days, he seems okay, prices of .30 pistol ammo is quite steep but then most dealers are expensive. He did not seem particularly knowledgeable regarding the arms laws and seemed to have a lot of misconceptions (may be he had some bad experiences or maybe he is more of a realist than I am) regarding the law.
Rating : OKAY
P.S : Dealt with him again today (05 Nov), while purchasing .30 pistol cartridges, I stand by my rating
Re: Tamilnadu Armoury-chennai-35
Posted: Tue Nov 04, 2008 2:09 pm
by tirths
My experience is different with Tamil Nadu Armory. I am not finding him reasonable in terms of pricing. I buy from Joy Biswas or import other shops from calcutta. They are much cheaper.
Re: Tamilnadu Armoury-chennai-35
Posted: Tue Nov 04, 2008 7:35 pm
by indian
i agree with anands rating.i met him a couple of times with my uncle.[ Edited not relevant]
Re: Tamilnadu Armoury-chennai-35
Posted: Tue Nov 04, 2008 8:54 pm
by ebenezer
indian";p="58156 wrote:
i agree with anands rating.i met him a couple of times with my uncle.[Edited Not relevant]
[Edited Not relevant ] Of late, my experience with him was bad. My dad's I Hollis DBBL was purchased from him 5 years ago. We had given the same weapon to him for servicing after it developed a shake. He completely goofed it up and returned it in a worser condition. What irked me the most was this guy, after all this, asked us from where we bought the weapon....

As Tirtha says the price quoted by him is also very high.
Re: Tamilnadu Armoury-chennai-35
Posted: Mon May 31, 2010 11:14 am
by Anand
Dealt with Mr.Satyanarayana again on the 29th May 2010. Slight increase in prices of ammo

, but I have never spent less than an hour with him each time, our conversations keep going on and on

. The Armoury has shifted premises about a year ago to a new location although the old telephone land line seems to be working; the new address and numbers are:
TamilNadu Armoury
"Bora Complex", 20, Flowers Street,
Shop-14, 1st Floor,
Saidapet, Chennai-600 015
Tel:Off: 2433 9855
Res: 2485 0100
Re: Tamilnadu Armoury-chennai-35
Posted: Wed Jun 02, 2010 6:44 pm
by ebenezer
Tamilnadu Armoury has improved in terms of repair work after a new gunsmith stepped in about a month ago. This man is an employee of Shaktiman factory in Bellary, Karnataka, and comes to Chennai during the weekends. Infact, Mr Satyanarayana himself is a former employee of Shaktiman factory. I had given my UTA 27 model air rifle to him after it developed 'multiple complications'. The work done by him was good. In terms of pricing, I find the present price of .22 lr ammunition (IOF alone) reasonable. Rest are on the higher side.
Re: Tamilnadu Armoury-chennai-15
Posted: Sat Nov 27, 2010 7:50 pm
by Pokuri satyanarayana
ADDRESS CHANGED....... Tamilnadu Armoury, 20 Flower street, Bora complex, First floor, Shop No:14 &15, Saidapet, Near Hotel Metro Chennai-600015 Phones (o) 04424339855 (r) 04424850100
Re: Tamilnadu Armoury-chennai-35
Posted: Sun Aug 25, 2013 6:38 am
by hiunni
i picked up an ihp 35 .22 and a couple of other things yesterday attached is the bill he gave me also he asked me to pay 12500 since he was adjusting something - not sure if the price is right or i got taken for a ride could some opne confirm pls ( gives a good feeling to even confirm that i have been taken for a ride - just to know for sure

Re: Tamilnadu Armoury-chennai-35
Posted: Mon Aug 26, 2013 12:00 am
by Ganesh TT
Don't pay anything higher than the bill price..if they ask for additional then kindly understand for what the extra price is for?
Re: Tamilnadu Armoury-chennai-35
Posted: Wed Sep 18, 2013 2:44 pm
by hb
can i get ur email ids
Re: Tamilnadu Armoury-chennai-35
Posted: Sat Jan 06, 2018 10:32 pm
by Rover solomon

Every time the his price was in higher side. One time he asked precihole sx 100 for 12500 I bought thru online 10.5k