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Hello new member

Posted: Tue Dec 30, 2008 2:29 pm
by Chasseur
Hello all,

New member from the US, Hawaii to be exact.

I mostly do shotgun and rifle shooting, but some pistol shooting. I am mostly a hunter who loves double guns: SxS shotguns, double rifles and drillings.

Most of our game animals here in Hawaii were imported from India/South Asia: chital deer, francolin (gray and black), and chukkar partridge.

I will be in Delhi this coming fall (September-December) working. I am curious about any shooting groups/sites to see in the area. I want to do some traveling as well. I read too much Corbett as a child and would like to check out some hill stations and the Cobertt park.


Re: Hello new member

Posted: Tue Dec 30, 2008 6:04 pm
by Risala
Welcome aboard IFG.

Sep-Dec is a good time to visit India,lots' to see and plenty to experience.

Hope you have a great stay.

Corbett Park is closed from 15th June to the 15th Nov each year for maintenance /census.
Dec would be a good time to visit though.If you are a keen angler there are some great spots just out side the park.Another park Ranthambore in Rajasthan is open all year round.

Do keep sounding the post


Re: Hello new member

Posted: Tue Dec 30, 2008 9:37 pm
by Prabhath
Welcome aboard Chasseur. Hope you have a great time while out here.