I am ketan from Mumbai i work in an private organisation my favourite hobby is (Edited by Moderator) fishing.I belongs to a fisherman,s family and i am very proud to be a member of this family HATS OFF to all GURUS

very important info about weapons.
Guys let me share my weapons among you lets start with Airguns, i have
1) Diana 350 Magnum in 0.22 cal.
2) IHP MOD-35 in 0.22 cal.
3) AK-500 in 0.22 cal.(local kolkata make)
I also have 2 Shotguns which are
1) Remington over & under.
2) Belgiam side by side(belongs to my grandpa Golden Old)
Guys i will post all the pics later tonight as i know this thread is useless without pics.
Guys i am also planning to buy a Rifle in 0.22 cal or 17hmr.
All gurujis are requested to suggest which should i go for.
Mandal Abhari Aahe.