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Mister Sinister
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Post by Mister Sinister » Mon May 05, 2008 8:04 pm

Hello Everyone,
I stumbled upon this site quite by accident.Cannot believe my good luck, to find such a vast, and in depth forum that is dedicated to gun lovers.
Needless to say I joined up right away. Have read the rules and regulations and promise to abide by them.Am still getting to know my way around the site though.
I've got a passion for airgun's.I'm lucky to own two beauties. Look forward to making lotsa friends.
Warmest regards to all.

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Post by Olly » Mon May 05, 2008 8:16 pm

A very warm welcome to you too !!
Do throw some light on your air guns with respect to their brands and cal.
Ofcourse your experiences with shooting are awaited too !!

Enjoy IFG !!!!!

Mister Sinister
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Hello Olly

Post by Mister Sinister » Mon May 05, 2008 9:12 pm

Sorry Olly. I forgot to mention.
Well both the lovely ladies happen to be point twenty two's.The first gun I have is a Diana springer.I dont really know the model number.But its a very old gun, very slim and very light.It was my dad's gun. I've conveniently adopted it.I started using it under his guidance of course and got hooked to air gunning.
My other gun,is a Weihrauch Hw 90 (gasram). I sometimes like to refer to it as my big elephant gun :-) .
As far as shooting experiences go........Well I've been born and brought up in a catholic colony so air guns were a regular sight. A rat walking about in the day time was all it took for a lot of my trigger happy nighbour's to get the guns out. This of course was twenty years ago.
I started shooting when I was in the eight grade.Hav'nt been able to stop. Of course now my air gunning is restricted a lot, due to the way things are these days.I try never to miss up on the few chances I get to go to an uncles out of town farmhouse.They're not as often as I'd like them to be ..........but hey ! it gives me something to look forward to.And then again, Its worth the wait.
Do you shoot a lot Ollie ? what guns do you have ?

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Re: Hi

Post by Prabhath » Mon May 05, 2008 9:51 pm

Welcome aboard. Posting pics of your older Diana might help you identify the model. There are lots of well informed members who I am sure will be able to identify it.

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Post by TenX » Tue May 06, 2008 12:36 am

Welcome Sinister.
As far as your handle goes, you are among 'friends' here :)
Where do you hail from? What other hobbies do you have? Do you plink often... Lets have some more details dude...
All the best and a warm welcome once again...
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Post by eljefe » Tue May 06, 2008 2:19 pm

I hope you are left handed? ;)
Welcome to the madness
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Re: Hi

Post by sudhaiob » Tue May 06, 2008 2:52 pm

south paws are rather discriminated. they are sinistral (while right handers are dextrous) in french they are termed gauche. i am one
welcome especially if you are one of the minority

PS can a count be taken of the number of lefthanders in the forum

Mister Sinister
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Hi Guys !

Post by Mister Sinister » Tue May 06, 2008 3:12 pm

Thank you for the warm welcome people.As far as my handle is concerned 10-X , its just that I liked the rhyming of Mister and sinister.Thought that it sounded pretty cool. Will def try to make sure I dont behave like my name sounds.I'm from Mumbai, and I've lived here ever since it's been called Bombay.Yup, I've pretty much been here all my life.All of Thirty four years that is.
I'm a broadcast designer by profession.And with the way work has been recently.......the past few years that is.Having time for hobbies is few and far between.But as far as hobbies go....Well there's Disk jockeying for one .....did that a lot in college.I've outgrown that.Though I still miss it sometimes.I like music see ?.
Then there's fishing.Am a member at an Angling club in Powaii.So fishing happens whenever myself and a couple of the boys manage to get a saturday off.
I love Photography.Trying to save up some G's to get my hands on that Canon I've been wanting.Purely greed.Cause I barely get time to pick up my camera.Leave along going on for shoots with friends.Calligraphy is another passion. Celtic handwriting.Initial Alphabets.Gothic text....all that sorta stuff.
And last but certaily not the least, Airguns,Airguns and still more Airguns.
Well I dont get a chance to plink often.My air gun exploits have recently been resticted to ratting.Used to plink a whole lot earlier though.Had a big Badam tree in my back door.And would spend summer afternoons, knocking the big ripe ones off.Coca cola cans also recieved a whole lot of attention from my Diana.On rare ocassions when leave permits, I try to go to this uncles farmhouse thats out of town, To give my trigger happy fingers some respite.
I dont plink as often as I'd like to ...but I am hoping I'll get there soon Ten X.
Thank you for the welcome Eljefe.In a strange sort of way ,Yes I'm left handed.But thats only when it comes to guns.I'm a lefty when it comes to shooting.But I write with my right hand.Kinda strange I know.But it works for me :lol:.
Now it's your turn to share guys............Ten X,Eljefe. :)

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Post by TenX » Tue May 06, 2008 8:34 pm

That was a well put and required introduction:)
And the best part is that I have absolutely similar interests... maybe replace Caligraphy with poetry, and Voila!, I am in Mumbai.
Are you a Taurean?
I too have started fishing in areas around Bangalore. Earnestly try to practice at the local shooting club; practice around home with a IHP and HW77K that I have; favourite remains 50m Prone; have won three individual medals in the NSCC; have gone to the National Team selections ...
And like photography too. I just got my brand new Rebel XTi a week back, and am still comprehending the user manual...
What else... Yeah.. Love Music... always floating around me all the time. Currently busy with converting my 480 audio tape selection into MP3s...
Carrer-wise; Work as the Manager of Human Factors team in Kyocera Wireless and do some part time Archiitecture/Ornamental/Web designing.

That should be good for now. Keep in touch matey.
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Post by vishosingh » Tue May 06, 2008 9:24 pm

ome to the forum Mister Sinister
its alwys nice to see someone bitten by the gun bug joining the forum
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Post by Zafar » Wed May 07, 2008 10:13 pm

leftys r more accurate as my lefty brother says when i ask why he shoots it left
and yeah , "welcome to the madness"

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