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Hello From South Africa

Posted: Tue Apr 15, 2014 6:35 pm
by Martin_tu
Firstly, I am not a gun nut, if anything I am a self-defence (SD) nut. I consider my gun(s) as merely tools to ensure my own safety and that that of those I love, and/or respect. That said, I also choose to defend the rights of all and any other gun owners for whatever -legal- purpose they have chosen to purchase a firearm as I consider them brethren. I have been involved in SD rights via various South African gun Orgs for more than twenty years and have occasionally been forced to deal with our government (South Africa) up to Ministerial level for one Org in particular. I have selected to visit this Indian Gun-owners Forum for a few reasons, firstly to research for myself the history of your gun Laws for personal socio-academic purposes -although I am not an academic- or rather more importantly how your Gun Laws have affected the populace generally since the British disgracefully disarmed you during colonial times, specifically the effect on both the armed and the unarmed sector of society. This is in order to broaden my knowledge of how the anti-gun lobby functions in other countries and correspondingly how the pro-gun lobby overcomes this assault on something that most of us consider to be a Universal, Fundamental and Common Law, Ancient Human Right, i.e. that of self-defense. Simultaneous to this exercise, I intend to study -and hope to learn from- your apparent successes in recently raising political awareness amongst your own ruling classes, as that, -to date at least- has proven rather difficult within our own framework. I have no intention of entering into any dialogue with anyone wishing to discuss the pro or cons of gun ownership, only those that support 'gun rights' unequivocally and indeed actively spend at least some time in furthering those Rights. In closing, I find I must commend you on introducing me to the 'flogging-a-dead-horse' smiley, I confess I could have used it many times in the last few years and find solace in using it now.

Yours In Common Cause,
Martin L Hedington.
South Africa

Re: Hello From South Africa

Posted: Tue Apr 15, 2014 8:10 pm
by mundaire
A very quick welcome aboard Martin! :-)

Hope you find the discussions here interesting and look forward to you broadening our own understanding of the situation regarding gun rights/ self-defense rights in South Africa.


Sent from my ST27i using Tapatalk

Re: Hello From South Africa

Posted: Wed Apr 16, 2014 4:33 am
by Hammerhead
Welcome to IFG

There are way more victimization of British way of disarming the populace, about 200 Millions in last century alone
that does not include the massacres done by British themself. Only selected ones will get a gun not your right to own !!!!

Re: Hello From South Africa

Posted: Wed Apr 16, 2014 5:35 am
by nagarifle
welcome Martin to the forum, we have many dead horses for you to flog.
and yes as they say
"you can take India out of the empire but you can not take the empire out of India ROTFL