Beretta Fan says HI
Posted: Tue Jan 21, 2014 6:11 pm
I am new to the gun scene. It all started after a very little initial research on handgun. I started my research when a drunk boyfriend of my Staff (Girl) broke all glass of my car at 4am coz of jealousy (Nonsense) and police did nothing to catch him since hes politically connected. So i thought i ll take things in my own hand for future to protect me and my family from such lunatics. Just after initial research I fell in love with Beretta 92fs, but soon realized the tedious process one has to go through to get a license, it really didn't budge me down but what broke my heart was when I got to know the plight of imported handguns in India. It shattered all my dreams of owning a Beretta 92 fs, in real since there was no way i could invest that much amount of money with my sane mind given I am able to find an immaculate Beretta.
Soon I found of out about Airguns, replicas, blowbacks, bbs, pellets. I decided to go with Beretta 92fs palette umarex after doing a through research on forum and outside,I got it just to justify my love for this handgun and get an initial response and know how of how its like hold a gun. Since i didnt want to apply for DSRA just for heck of it or satisfy ego of the people there until I was actually interested in using the the membership for more than just importing a handgun. So i decided to buy directly from someone here, got one with box and packing for 34K. Now i just want to share my experiences with all the folks who have similar interest here. Sorry for a little long introduction.
Correction Grammer
I am new to the gun scene. It all started after a very little initial research on handgun. I started my research when a drunk boyfriend of my Staff (Girl) broke all glass of my car at 4am coz of jealousy (Nonsense) and police did nothing to catch him since hes politically connected. So i thought i ll take things in my own hand for future to protect me and my family from such lunatics. Just after initial research I fell in love with Beretta 92fs, but soon realized the tedious process one has to go through to get a license, it really didn't budge me down but what broke my heart was when I got to know the plight of imported handguns in India. It shattered all my dreams of owning a Beretta 92 fs, in real since there was no way i could invest that much amount of money with my sane mind given I am able to find an immaculate Beretta.
Soon I found of out about Airguns, replicas, blowbacks, bbs, pellets. I decided to go with Beretta 92fs palette umarex after doing a through research on forum and outside,I got it just to justify my love for this handgun and get an initial response and know how of how its like hold a gun. Since i didnt want to apply for DSRA just for heck of it or satisfy ego of the people there until I was actually interested in using the the membership for more than just importing a handgun. So i decided to buy directly from someone here, got one with box and packing for 34K. Now i just want to share my experiences with all the folks who have similar interest here. Sorry for a little long introduction.
Correction Grammer