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Hello from Across the Pond

Posted: Tue Jan 14, 2014 7:39 pm
by Commonwealth_of_PA
Good afternoon, Gentlemen. It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance.

My name is Ed. I hail from the Great Commonwealth of Pennsylvania (PA) in These United States (US). I came upon your discussion forum while searching for information about Concealed Carry in India. A subject I am still not sure I understand after reviewing discussions about it :) It seems it is legal if you have a license to own a gun, but there seems to be a lot of tangential discussion I don't understand. I'll ask about the subject in the proper forum.

Here in PA, things are a lot different, as I am sure you can imagine. There are no licenses to own or buy firearms, like most of the US. The US has some irritating import laws for firearms, but fortunately we make quite a few of them here ourselves :) People can carry guns in 47 states (including 2/3 of NY and CA) and I can personally carry firearms in about 39 based on the licenses I have acquired. The fraction of people aged 21 or older in PA that concealed carry firearms is about 10%. I own machineguns and silencers. These require federal registration and a fee of $200 US, and machineguns are extremely expensive because there was a ban on new manufacture for civilian ownership in 1986. Therefore, supply < demand :(

Re: Hello from Across the Pond

Posted: Tue Jan 14, 2014 9:07 pm
by thesinfulsaint
Hi Ed,

First welcome to the forum from Texas :cheers: . I am by no means an expert in laws regarding owning and carrying firearms in India but I will divulge whatever I know. Please correct me gentlemen/ladies if I wander off.

In India the standard carry calibers are 32 22 etc. That is 32 and anything below. Not everyone is allowed to carry calibers used by the military or any other law enforcement agency. Those calibers are referred to as Prohibited Bore (PB). If you want to carry anything in those calibers as in (9mm, 44, 45, 5.56 NATO, 7.62 NATO) you have to apply for a PB license which is rather difficult to acquire. Not sure about all the large calibers beyond 9mm but I think most fall under PB.

Can you open carry or concealed carry if you have a firearms license, experts here might be able to shed more light on this. :?:

Also no imports of centerfire/rimfire firearms is allowed but I’m sure people have done that under special consideration. And there is complete ban on hunting in India. :deadhorse:

Please correct me if I am off anywhere friends.


Re: Hello from Across the Pond

Posted: Tue Jan 14, 2014 9:17 pm
by xl_target
Hi Ed,

Welcome to IFG. We'd be glad to answer any of your questions and help you out in any way that we can.

With gun laws in India being what they are , we don't get to see many of the different types of guns available in the rest of the world.
So we do like to vicariously enjoy other people's gun collections, either individually or all together.
We would love to see some photos and descriptions of what you have.

Re: Hello from Across the Pond

Posted: Tue Jan 14, 2014 9:22 pm
by Commonwealth_of_PA
xl_target wrote:Hi Ed,

Welcome to IFG. We'd be glad to answer any of your questions and help you out in any way that we can.

With gun laws in India being what they are , we don't get to see many of the different types of guns available in the rest of the world.
So we do like to vicariously enjoy other people's gun collections, either individually or all together.
We would love to see some photos and descriptions of what you have.
I read the forum rules, and it said not to post anything against the laws, "The laws in India!" :)

I'll post video if I am allowed to post things illegal in India. We get crazy over here sometimes! :D

(but safe)

Re: Hello from Across the Pond

Posted: Tue Jan 14, 2014 9:31 pm
by Vikram
Welcome to IFG,ED! Glad to have you here.

Re: Hello from Across the Pond

Posted: Tue Jan 14, 2014 9:33 pm
by James_Bond
Welcome to IFG ED.

Re: Hello from Across the Pond

Posted: Tue Jan 14, 2014 9:41 pm
by spin_drift
Commonwealth_of_PA wrote:
I read the forum rules, and it said not to post anything against the laws, "The laws in India!" :)

I'll post video if I am allowed to post things illegal in India. We get crazy over here sometimes! :D

(but safe)
Illegal would be you giving instruction on constructing a fire arms or instructions on illegally acquiring firearms or instructions on how to make a claymore mine and hook it up to a motion sensor to make a anti-burglar system... :mrgreen:

As far posting pictures of your guns or instructional videos on gun maintenance or on gun safety or on proper gun handling or videos of you blowing stuff up on a range with a bazooka goes, that's perfectly fine and legal...

Re: Hello from Across the Pond

Posted: Tue Jan 14, 2014 10:07 pm
by Commonwealth_of_PA
OK, what would you gentlemen like to see? I have less than 20 guns. Not really a collection. But I have some nice stuff. Nice for the range, not for collecting. I have no AKs, no lever guns ( I want a .30-30.) I have a select-fire (fully automatic) M16 with various upper receivers in different calibers. I have a full auto SWD M11/9 with various uppers. Silencers for both. Shotgun, some Ruger rifles, .50 BMG rifle, and some carry guns. I carry either GLOCK 19 or S&W M15 .38 Special, with Colt 1903 .32 caliber as "Back-Up Gun" (BUG). I open carry 100% of the time except that I conceal when I go to the dentist (she can hurt me :) ) or to the doctor or hospital. Plus in the Winter I have to wear a coat sometimes and cover my primary, as I am sure many of you from northern India can understand :)

Here is a video of my Spikes .22 upper receiver on my M16 with a kit to run AM180 mags:


This might be awkward because i don't know you forum tags, and it seems my posts need approval so I can't troubleshoot bad tags.


Re: Hello from Across the Pond

Posted: Wed Jan 15, 2014 12:02 am
by xl_target
OK, what would you gentlemen like to see?
Just show them to us one by one.
Loved your .22 full auto video!

As far as legality and your posts; if it is legal in the US, you can show it here (since you are in the US).

Re: Hello from Across the Pond

Posted: Wed Jan 15, 2014 1:47 am
by Commonwealth_of_PA
Here is a BCM AR-15 (semi-auto) in 5.56mm as well as a SHTF-50 bolt action .50 BMG upper receiver. The magazine on the right side of the chair is loaded with MK211 Raufoss (High-Explosive Armor-Piercing Incendiary) ammunition that cost me $30 US per round! I have yet to fire one :)

My friend has an M2 .50 MG (semi-auto) and I have another friend with .30-06/8mm/7.62mm M1919 and M1917 MGs that are semi-auto but he has a hand-crank that makes them shoot similar to full-auto.

Re: Hello from Across the Pond

Posted: Wed Jan 15, 2014 6:12 am
by nagarifle
welcome mate, yes we are a confused nation, that what makes us happy and

Re: Hello from Across the Pond

Posted: Sun Jan 19, 2014 1:01 am
by Sakobav
nagarifle wrote:welcome mate, yes we are a confused nation, that what makes us happy and
Naga is the big chief here welcome aboard do hail this chief and post often