Hello from Virginia
Posted: Sun Nov 17, 2013 7:21 pm
Hello Everyone
I am a new member and having recently joined the forum, it gives me great pleasure to be in the company of like minded breathren
I was born and raised in Mumbai, India and have traveled around quite a bit around the world. Now I am based out of Virginia, near the Washington DC metro area
Always fascinated and interested by firearms, I knew there were quite many Indians out there but were hard to come by since the days of the British colonialism most of our previous generations uptill now have been brainwashed to believe that gun ownership is a un-necessary right. It is a oxy moron because there was a CNN report a while back which gave India as having the second largest ownership of firearms, dont know if they had counted registered ones or un-registered ones, the count was 42 million for India, 40 million for China and 850 million for USA. Given the population it might be true to that number
Anyways fast forward, I do enjoy a pretty good collection now and pursue Duck and Deer Hunting every year, followed up the occasional weekends to the trap and skeet range, which I call Shotgun therapy
Having spent a significant amount of of time, effort and money, I have now become proficient with Handguns, Rifles, Shotguns, Reloading and Hunter education courses, all of which were courtesy of a group called the NRA
Recently purchased a mint Lee Enfield 303 which was in an awesome condition, thus completing one of my long wishes as I own both the Royal Enfield Bullet (the motorcycle) and now the Lee Enfied SMLE carbine, dated 1954, but the bayonet has marking from 1907
Anyways keep shooting because from what I learnt it is a perishable skill
"The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants." Thomas Jefferson
I am a new member and having recently joined the forum, it gives me great pleasure to be in the company of like minded breathren
I was born and raised in Mumbai, India and have traveled around quite a bit around the world. Now I am based out of Virginia, near the Washington DC metro area
Always fascinated and interested by firearms, I knew there were quite many Indians out there but were hard to come by since the days of the British colonialism most of our previous generations uptill now have been brainwashed to believe that gun ownership is a un-necessary right. It is a oxy moron because there was a CNN report a while back which gave India as having the second largest ownership of firearms, dont know if they had counted registered ones or un-registered ones, the count was 42 million for India, 40 million for China and 850 million for USA. Given the population it might be true to that number
Anyways fast forward, I do enjoy a pretty good collection now and pursue Duck and Deer Hunting every year, followed up the occasional weekends to the trap and skeet range, which I call Shotgun therapy
Having spent a significant amount of of time, effort and money, I have now become proficient with Handguns, Rifles, Shotguns, Reloading and Hunter education courses, all of which were courtesy of a group called the NRA
Recently purchased a mint Lee Enfield 303 which was in an awesome condition, thus completing one of my long wishes as I own both the Royal Enfield Bullet (the motorcycle) and now the Lee Enfied SMLE carbine, dated 1954, but the bayonet has marking from 1907
Anyways keep shooting because from what I learnt it is a perishable skill
"The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants." Thomas Jefferson