Thanks alot farook for your answer. I have my visa for more 4 years in Australia and i had been trying to look for that kind of forum from past couple of days haven't got much success yet

I request to every single member of IFG to post as much as information they can on this topic, so it become really easy for those people who is actually looking answers for these question.
This topic is manly for those people who live in overseas and want to bring back their firearms with them.
The answers I am looking for are:
1. New updated list of PB and NPB firearm list?
2. Firearms policy under TR rules?
3. What documentation you need to show on delhi airport customs?
4.How you can import more than one firearm from overseas when moving back to india? (After long time)
The reason why I am asking these questions, because early I was looking through other forum on IFG and mostly people were asking these questions and they have to go through so many forums to get these answers. So I think why shouldn't I put all these Questions together and it will be really easy for people to find these Answers by our experts on this site.
Before Posting any Answer please put the Question No. and Question, so it will become really easy for people to understand that what question your are referring to.
also please refer to those forum as well which are related to these questions, and to all members of IFG they can also add their question on this forum as well, which are related to this category to find what our experts think about that.
And I apologize if by-mistake or somehow I offend someone in any way.
Kind Regards
Manpreet Singh