Hello everybody.. greetings

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Fresh on the boat
Fresh on the boat
Posts: 1
Joined: Tue Oct 22, 2013 3:58 pm

Hello everybody.. greetings

Post by asmarkandeya » Thu Oct 24, 2013 10:59 am

Greetings to all IFG members.
Hi, iam Ashutosh from Mumbai.. A new member to IFG..
First of all let me take this opportunity to convey my Thanks to all the members who have shared valuable information about topics that are least discussed about and have very little information even on the web.. Thanks a lot guys..(about licences and guns).
Guys I am about to apply for an NPB licence for revolver in Mumbai. I have completed all my paper work and now have to just submit the application..
One thing iam confused about is the section in the application form that says : need for a weapon. Ive answered it crop protection and self defence.. Is it the right way to go ?? I have farm land in a village about 200kms from Mumbai where I do farming of sugarcane. But I dont stay there... I visit once every 15 days for 2-3 days. And also own some property in Mumbai city.. I dont have any specific threats given to me but iam a bit nervous when on the farm because of the draught situation when people resort to stealing and other crimes to make a living....is my answer justified :crop protection and self defence...
guys please let me know if you have any suggestions
On this. Will be submitting the form next week.
Once again thank you guys....

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