Ammo dump...

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Ammo dump...

Post by mundaire » Sat May 02, 2009 5:40 pm

Good one from :mrgreen:
Okay, so we were out on a mission yesterday to provide security/overwatch for a team to do an audit/inspection of a civilian demining company clearing land mines in the Stan.

We get there and are in our vehicles covering the roads for about a half hour. I am sending messages back and forth with my bro who is the TC (Truck Commander) of the vehicle to my rear.

He said he had to poo. I told him he is ****ed because we will be here for another few hours, and he cant get out of the truck because of the mines.

He said he was going to look around in the back for an ammo can.

I thought he was joking.

I told him his truck crew was going to hate him for life...

10 minutes later I saw both front doors open and his gunner pop up and start dry heaving over the side of the turret.

He wasn't joking...

His driver grabbed his camera and turned around in his seat and yelled bro's name loud...

Bro turned his head quickly

Camera went "CLICK"

A legend was born.
Original thread at ... p?t=171995
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