The Tiger woke up in the morning, stretched himself and decided to take a stroll. After few steps he stamped on ahm.. some unpleasantly smelling material. Very angry, the Tiger summoned immediately a the forest general assembly for urgent matters about behaviour and hygiene.
“Animals and birds, he said, it is time that you learn good manners! It is forbidden to do certain “private business” (he mimicked the quotes with the claws) on the public paths! Use the ravine and behave like civilised critters! Trasgressors will be punished!”
For a few days the forest was clean, but one morning the Tiger caught the Hare in flagrancy, in the middle of the path.
“Hare, he shouted, how do you dare to disobey my commands? I will skin you alive!”
Majesty, said the Hare, yesterday I was doing my business on the ravine, as commanded by your Majesty, and the Bear, squatting near me asked: “Hare, do you lose your hair?”.
When I said no, the Bear cleansed himself and tossed me down the ravine!
Forest toilet
- Vikram
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- Location: Tbilisi,Georgia