Gun Meditation & Relaxation

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Gun Meditation & Relaxation

Post by rajitkg12 » Fri Feb 17, 2023 12:00 am

Hi All ,

Do you believe If I say Gun Meditation is the best cure for all kind of anxiety, nervousness, depression, hypertension, mental pressure.yes its true it works fast for me whenever I am in some kind of mental pressure/tension I take my springer sit in my backyard or go near by stream or paddy fields farms or estates and start shooting target you don't believe it is so quicker than a yogic meditation to get relaxed and focused.

What is the necessary thing you would require.

1) Springer Airgun or Airpistol because it must have some kind of recoil it may be break barrel underleaver etc it should not be PCP. If you do not have springer PCP is also ok with single shot option But not not use any modern attachment except suppressor/silencer gun should be held on traditional way on your both hand do not use any artificial rests, position can be any sitting standing or lying down or half bent or kneeling.

2) Gun should be quite so no one can hear the gun shooting sound.especially when you are with your neighbour.(use suppressor/silencer)

3) Do not use any scope it should be open sight better do not use gun aim sight try to shoot both eye's open.

4) Do not use metal target to avoid sound use wood stone plastic filled with sand/soil or water or sacks filled with sand or soil, and old notes and books targets which is easily available and sound less, you can make still targets and also make moveable by hanging the target, Its better to use natural targets like tree and leafs if you are in village or semi towns outskirts of towns or cities.

5) 6 stage targets should be chosen
a) on Ground
b)on chest level
c) on hights above your head
d) on near 5 to 15 feet distance
e)20 to 30 feet distance
f)50 or more than 50 feet distance as target goes longer distance use bigger target, as target gets closer use smaller targets or wise versa depending on your eye sight power and also you can try combination.

6) Most important thing you should not hurt any form of living beings. If you hurt then you loose your happiness and guilt will hold you.

7) Best place is near stream or sea or ocean or river or woods or forest or estate or farms or paddy fields or plain grounds with no one arround you must able to talk yourself if you are in city and town you can drive to these places nearby if not possible inside your room or some quite place with privacy

8) You must have more than 500 no of pellets some times depending on your depression you might need more pellets.

.8) Safety:Whenever shooting longer range or beyond range end should be visible to your eye and you must have some kind of pellet stoping system like wall,sack of sand pile,trees high land etc. to stop the pellets and when evere you shoot in woods or estates or farms you should aim higher for safety because now a days airgun's are powerful and there pellets may travel longer distance.

After all the above , Set target and difficulty level and start shooting until you get relaxed.

Let me know does it work for you

Happy Shooting

When you are normal & Happy All the above can be tried with your friends and family grand children's and multiple members specially with your kids & wife if you are in love than with lover /b]

Please do not offended by a out of syllabus topic.
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Re: Gun Meditation & Relaxation

Post by timmy » Fri Feb 17, 2023 2:47 am

I agree with you: guns are very calming in a number of ways!

Years back, I used to sit in my den watching Mexican boxing every Friday night. Often, I'd have a favorite rifle that I could hold on my lap. This was very enjoyable, sort of like "sweet and sour," as the tension of a good boxing match and the soothing feel of nice wood and steel combined for a great experience.

Rifle shooting is fun, but I think handgun shooting is even more fun. One must beware that it doesn't become a negative experience like the frustrated golfer. The goal isn't to get the "best" score, it is to master one's mental concentration and motor skills to improve; to do one's best. Knowledge that one won't achieve perfection, but holding that perfection in one's mind as a goal is the way I approach this. As a boy, when I began shooting handguns, I was disturbed because I couldn't hold the handgun still, like I could a rifle. It seemed easy to do on the TV or in the movies, but it didn't work out that way in real life. The effort, and yes, exhaustion of concentration required by shooting well is icing on the mental cake after a good session of shooting.

One thing that's always stuck in my mind about shooting, and it is learning that I've applied to many other things in life since then. Reading about Baron Manfred von Richthofen, the German "Ace of Aces" in World War 1 air combat, I learned that the successful fighter pilots would not spray their enemies with bullets from afar, but the reason they hit so many enemy aircraft was because they forced themselves, though in great danger, to press the enemy as closely as possible before shooting. This, as I've read, was also the formula used by Richard Bong, the USA's Ace of Aces from World War 2. Anyway, Richthofen's "secret" in motivating himself to do this was, he said, the primary necessity for one to "conquer one's inner schweinhund. (A schweinhund is a very unflattering German insult.)

So, conquering the things that hold us back, often not necessarily by some valiant athletic maneuver, but rather by applying the determination to persevere though to success is what's needed, at least for me. As my Dad used to teach me from an old proverb: "Don't measure your goals by your strength, but measure your strength by your goals."

Au contraire, Sir, I think your post is very much on topic!
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Re: Gun Meditation & Relaxation

Post by rajitkg12 » Fri Feb 17, 2023 7:11 am

Hello Sir,

Wise talk with good experience of life & deeper meaning of words must observed by younger generation thanks for your reply Sir.

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Re: Gun Meditation & Relaxation

Post by Mr.Shome » Sat Feb 18, 2023 1:28 am

Dear Sirs,

Shooting a target is indeed relaxing (unfortunately, I get extremely irritated, when I fail to do the same, especially with pistols). Just to clarify, I am only talking about air rifles and pistols for home practice. As a pre-teen kid, I could aim better with Air Rifles (I didn't have air pistols during those blissful days). Nowadays, whenever I get the chance to use Air Rifles, I largely miss due to shaky hands, although, of course physically I guess, I am stronger than that pre-teen boy).

All said and done, shooting is definitely relaxing. I feel there is a fine line between relaxation and exhaustion. Simply put, punching a heavy boxing bag is exhausting, while shooting with a calm mind is relaxing indeed (my personal experience and humble opinion).

This post stirred these dormant thoughts.
Warm thanks and regards.
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Re: Gun Meditation & Relaxation

Post by rajitkg12 » Sat Feb 18, 2023 11:27 am

Hello Shome Sir,

I like Your Signature quote "Mil Sake Aasani Sey Uski Khwaish Kisko hai. Zid toh uski hai, jo muqaddar mein likha he nahin"

On the contrary I would like to tell this To hit target 🎯 you have to miss first.

I always hear how to hit Bulls eye every time.

Fix a target try hitting 3 to 6 feet away from target for 20 shots and other 20 shots 2 feet away from target and other 20 shots 1 feet away from the target and other 20 shots 6 inch away from the target and rest 3 inch away from the target rest try on the target in between take as many rests you need and do other thing do not shoot continuously without any gap.

Is this necassary to hit 🎯 every time you shoot ?? naaaaaaa na bab naaaaa! shoot for fun also, Not for competition always. try how better you can Miss

Is galth famime koi na rehana Airguns/Air riffles are only for kids these day kids are shooting fire arms better than adults only marksmen can achieve successful targets on Airguns/Airriffeles and it's fun & cheap to shoot non stop.

Enjoy shooting every moment without any hazards with your Airguns/Airriffeles

Meditation it's said sit in a "Sidha Asana"( Still posture practiced and mastered with no pain) "Kendrith Man" ( Focused mind without any thoughts) " Niyantrith Swachwasha" or "Pranayam" (controlled breathing) is this easy no it takes lot of efforts But same can be acieved by a shooter not much effort.

I support every one who sit in a corner and play dangerous and harmful and violent video games which induce violence in mind must do Gun Meditation

:) :) :) :) :) :)

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Re: Gun Meditation & Relaxation

Post by Mr.Shome » Sat Feb 18, 2023 3:33 pm


Thank you for your warm appreciation and beautifully detailed tips. Yes, getting frustrated further spoils shots.

Regards and Happy Shooting!
Mil Sake Aasani Sey Uski Khwaish Kisko hai. Zid toh uski hai, jo muqaddar mein likha he nahin

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