Do you believe If I say Gun Meditation is the best cure for all kind of anxiety, nervousness, depression, hypertension, mental pressure.yes its true it works fast for me whenever I am in some kind of mental pressure/tension I take my springer sit in my backyard or go near by stream or paddy fields farms or estates and start shooting target you don't believe it is so quicker than a yogic meditation to get relaxed and focused.
What is the necessary thing you would require.
1) Springer Airgun or Airpistol because it must have some kind of recoil it may be break barrel underleaver etc it should not be PCP. If you do not have springer PCP is also ok with single shot option But not not use any modern attachment except suppressor/silencer gun should be held on traditional way on your both hand do not use any artificial rests, position can be any sitting standing or lying down or half bent or kneeling.
2) Gun should be quite so no one can hear the gun shooting sound.especially when you are with your neighbour.(use suppressor/silencer)
3) Do not use any scope it should be open sight better do not use gun aim sight try to shoot both eye's open.
4) Do not use metal target to avoid sound use wood stone plastic filled with sand/soil or water or sacks filled with sand or soil, and old notes and books targets which is easily available and sound less, you can make still targets and also make moveable by hanging the target, Its better to use natural targets like tree and leafs if you are in village or semi towns outskirts of towns or cities.
5) 6 stage targets should be chosen
a) on Ground
b)on chest level
c) on hights above your head
d) on near 5 to 15 feet distance
e)20 to 30 feet distance
f)50 or more than 50 feet distance as target goes longer distance use bigger target, as target gets closer use smaller targets or wise versa depending on your eye sight power and also you can try combination.
6) Most important thing you should not hurt any form of living beings. If you hurt then you loose your happiness and guilt will hold you.
7) Best place is near stream or sea or ocean or river or woods or forest or estate or farms or paddy fields or plain grounds with no one arround you must able to talk yourself if you are in city and town you can drive to these places nearby if not possible inside your room or some quite place with privacy


After all the above , Set target and difficulty level and start shooting until you get relaxed.
Let me know does it work for you
Happy Shooting
When you are normal & Happy All the above can be tried with your friends and family grand children's and multiple members specially with your kids & wife if you are in love than with lover /b]
Please do not offended by a out of syllabus topic.