main13 wrote:ngrewal wrote:Its a game mate win some and loose some like against spinners of NZ..
The 'fight' is not with the Pakistanis Sir.. But against the psy-op those chumps are running in the country... My blood boils to see India media singing praises of pakis! Are their readers Indians or Pakistanis..??! Or perhaps we should start asking who their 'owners' are & where their monies come from...
Personally am more into motorsports & boxing!

Someone perceiving "psychological operations" when media is praising the game skills of a particular team? Is it an objective analysis of facts or a deep rooted psychological phobia of mind? I leave this for the readers of this forum to decide. On the other hand allowing agents of Pakistani intelligence agencies to enter and inspect an ultra sensitive airbase at Pathankot is not a danger to national security. If such is the mindset and wisdom of the present ruling elite, then nobody but only God can save this country.
main13 wrote:goodboy_mentor wrote:Just for information, it is not the Urdu(Hindustani language) language but the Arabic/ Persian script that is read from right to left. Besides these, there are other scripts that are also read from right to left.
Arabic/ Persian script is not only used by Pakistanis but by people in many countries including India. Urdu is also official language recognized by Constitution of India. Urdu is also official language of number of States in India.
One wonders what kind of mindset is behind creating these kind of "jokes". Is it the same mentally insecure, self styled "nationalists" who find mental satisfaction by cracking "Sardarji jokes" against the Sikhs? Who and what is actually being targeted by these kind of ideas?
I wonder what kind of 'mindset' makes Indian newspapers & certain sections of 'educated' Indians sing high praises of an enemy nation... People who have Never been there, know only what they do by reading & watching tv.. begin to sing praises of a country where kids are taught India-phobia in schools...
Such baseless ideas speak volumes of the phobia and lack of respect of the truth by some. Even Emperor Alexander had high praise for his enemy the King Porous. Forget Alexander, even recently in 1971, Late Manekshaw told the Prime Minister that launching attack at this time of year would guarantee defeat at the hands of enemy. It required courage to speak the truth. Was it singing praises of the enemy or honest admission of truth? Singing praise of game skills of "enemy" requires courage and respect for truth. Being honest or objective is no crime. Even the national motto of India says "Satyamev Jayate" which means truth always wins. The main question is, are we standing with the truth or with the lies?
main13 wrote:A full-blown psych-op is being run successfully in the country thanks to sold-out media & traitorous opposition.. Indian newspapers are printing full articles of ways in which Indian cricket team can lose, providing 'moral support' to pakistanis, exhorting Bangladeshis the mistakes they must avoid to beat India next time...
Same as previous reply.
main13 wrote:If their 'mindsets' are not being questioned, then perhaps ppl must cross check theirs with the laymen on the streets who stop selling vegetables earlier to watch India's matches.. I'm just giving 'them' a taste of their own medicine.. Bet it tastes bitter! I consider my endeavours a success if some 'Indians' find this post offensive!
Same as previous reply. And would add link to another posts here ... 70#p239846 The replies were so bitter that the thread had to be locked.
main13 wrote:& Just for the record I have but very few loyal friends from all manners of castes, religions & communities... So no, I ain't a racist sir.. Only fiercely 'Indian'...

Those who stand by the truth, rule of law and justice don't need to give clarifications about their loyalty or anti racism. Moreover how much one is a "loyal friend", it can be tested in due course of time and in crisis. Unfortunately since around 1840s(or even further into history) except a few, nobody passed the test of "loyalty". Accept it or deny it, it is a hard fact of history of this subcontinent till now. The game of fascism started with renewed vigor from around 1858 onwards. We can enjoy the game till it lasts since the self styled "nationalists" are/ were not interested in facing the truth.
main13 wrote:Ps: Urdu is written right to left, in Persian.
It is immaterial. Many languages are written from right to left. The material facts - Urdu is a language recognized by Constitution of India and spoken by a large number of citizens. It is a very popular language that has a rich culture, literature and history behind it. One wonders, what is the real motive behind making fun of a language recognized by Constitution of India and mother tongue of large part of Indians by some who claim to be "fiercely Indian"? One also wonders what is the real meaning of the term "fiercely Indian" in the dictionary of "fiercely Indians"?
The link to the following post might give something to think and understand ... 67#p236713
"If my mother tongue is shaking the foundations of your State, it probably means that you built your State on my land" - Musa Anter, Kurdish writer, assassinated by the Turkish secret services in 1992