Ive been wanting to better my scores at clays and in search for a guru I turned to Mr. Chris Batha and his arrow lasershot.
Now this boresighter helps correct the mount and the swing and so on and so forth.
I was impressed but the cost of 120 pounds plus p&p etc etc put me off. man i could buy 1000 cartridges for that much.
I have always maintained I am a firm believer in "desi jugad" or improvisation. So I decided to make a 'lasershooter'. (I hope the name doesnt make me sound narcissistic)
Now im not a DIY person and it is only the love of shooting that led me to get off my backside and do some work.
Materials: Laser pen; Cello tape, Metal medicine foil (the one you get tablets in) or even aluminium foil will do.
Skill level: nil. trust me if I can do it so can anyone.
Step 1-7: 15 min;
step 8: 2-3 min
step 9: ??? a few years??
Sharing the pics. with my fellow IFGians. I know the finish isn't neat but it does work and it took 15 minutes!!
Step 1:

Got a laser pen chinese made.
Step 2

Open it. Keep the cap with the laser part. Discard the body with the pen part.
Step 3

Fill in the gap created with foil from medicine strips. Tear up some medicine foil, fold it over and over, shove it in the gap to complete the circuit.
Step 4

Cover with cellotape to seal in the foil and to eliminate friction when clipping it into the barrel to prevent spoiling the bluing with longterm use.
Step 6

Remove the chokes (both) from the shotgun to make the barrel walls a bit thinner.
Step 7

Clip it in between the 2 barrels the way you would clip a pen into a pocket.
Step 8
No pics. Mount the gun, practice the mount slowly paying attention that the dot doesnt 'flip' or dance but goes straight up. Practice swinging/ mounting. you are ready to rock and roll.
Step 9
Not done yet. Practice step 8 100000 times total. The improved scores make the project worth it!