Arrow lasershot? forget it. Try the Lasershooter.

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Arrow lasershot? forget it. Try the Lasershooter.

Post by shooter » Thu Jan 28, 2010 4:08 am

Hi guys.

Ive been wanting to better my scores at clays and in search for a guru I turned to Mr. Chris Batha and his arrow lasershot.
Now this boresighter helps correct the mount and the swing and so on and so forth.

I was impressed but the cost of 120 pounds plus p&p etc etc put me off. man i could buy 1000 cartridges for that much.

I have always maintained I am a firm believer in "desi jugad" or improvisation. So I decided to make a 'lasershooter'. (I hope the name doesnt make me sound narcissistic)

Now im not a DIY person and it is only the love of shooting that led me to get off my backside and do some work.

Materials: Laser pen; Cello tape, Metal medicine foil (the one you get tablets in) or even aluminium foil will do.

Skill level: nil. trust me if I can do it so can anyone.


Step 1-7: 15 min;
step 8: 2-3 min
step 9: ??? a few years??

Sharing the pics. with my fellow IFGians. I know the finish isn't neat but it does work and it took 15 minutes!!

Step 1:


Got a laser pen chinese made.

Step 2


Open it. Keep the cap with the laser part. Discard the body with the pen part.

Step 3


Fill in the gap created with foil from medicine strips. Tear up some medicine foil, fold it over and over, shove it in the gap to complete the circuit.

Step 4


Cover with cellotape to seal in the foil and to eliminate friction when clipping it into the barrel to prevent spoiling the bluing with longterm use.

Step 6


Remove the chokes (both) from the shotgun to make the barrel walls a bit thinner.

Step 7


Clip it in between the 2 barrels the way you would clip a pen into a pocket.

Step 8

No pics. Mount the gun, practice the mount slowly paying attention that the dot doesnt 'flip' or dance but goes straight up. Practice swinging/ mounting. you are ready to rock and roll.

Step 9

Not done yet. Practice step 8 100000 times total. The improved scores make the project worth it!
You want more gun control? Use both hands!

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Re: Arrow lasershot? forget it. Try the Lasershooter.

Post by Subal das » Thu Jan 28, 2010 7:06 am

that is great idea. thank you very much for sharing. I definitely going to try some different modification for air rifle
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Re: Arrow lasershot? forget it. Try the Lasershooter.

Post by Sakobav » Thu Jan 28, 2010 7:09 am


Good warning dont look at the LASER...


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Re: Arrow lasershot? forget it. Try the Lasershooter.

Post by MoA » Thu Jan 28, 2010 1:00 pm

i would reccomend, buy 1000 cartridges... go practise. ;)

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Re: Arrow lasershot? forget it. Try the Lasershooter.

Post by diskaon » Thu Jan 28, 2010 5:22 pm

One thing you need to ensure that the lasershooter is perfectly parallel to the muzzle. Or else it will be a case of pointing London, shooting Tokyo..

Best of luck and happy shooting.

klick klack..... diskaon

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Re: Arrow lasershot? forget it. Try the Lasershooter.

Post by shooter » Thu Jan 28, 2010 6:41 pm

One thing you need to ensure that the lasershooter is perfectly parallel to the muzzle. Or else it will be a case of pointing London, shooting Tokyo..


If you have someone with you, mount the gun and ask your friend to adjust the laser to the point of aim.

I didnt want to get too technical so avoided this point.

This is one of the shortcomings as it doesnt check the fit. but works for the mount, swing etc. Since in India, the gun fitting services and that too the ones requiring laser are rare. (why thats true even for uk, using laser for the fit, i mean), i avoided the point. Since ammo is expensive and dear, this lasershooter can be a very useful tool for the gun mount esp for skeet shooters.
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Re: Arrow lasershot? forget it. Try the Lasershooter.

Post by MoA » Fri Jan 29, 2010 12:53 am

But with a shotgun, realistically how off could you be?
If you are worried, stuff the breach with sufficient kitchen roll paper to ensure it isnt moving.

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Re: Arrow lasershot? forget it. Try the Lasershooter.

Post by eljefe » Fri Jan 29, 2010 4:29 pm

how would you ensure its in the centre of the barrel? concentricity IS the accuracy mantra 8)
Good show on the improvisation though.If it helps you get better, go for it.
I heard IOf are going to (or on offer) the 32 hatoda with a street corner 25 Rs, :evil: laser pointer attached to a non rifled barrel!
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Re: Arrow lasershot? forget it. Try the Lasershooter.

Post by shooter » Fri Jan 29, 2010 7:22 pm

dear eljefe, its not for 'zeroing' so it doesnt have to be in the centre.
it has to roughly point to where ones eye is looking./ bead pointing.

As mentioned , its to practice mount and swing:

hold the gun down.
slowly (count of 5) bring it to the shoulder.
The laser dot mustnt bounce/flip but follow straight (ish line) with little movement.

Same for swing. no dancing/flip etc. helps one realise how much control one has while mounting.

Its a useful exercise to do indoors. so it needs to be "spot on" at around 6-7 feet.

TH?is wont work for rifles because of the distance involved. Also in a rifle, its used for a different purpose.

As written above, even in shotgunning this is more useful for skeet and game.

Since game shooting is not allowed, in the indian context its useful for mainly skeet. It is very useful for indians to improve their shooting as mentioned in the earlier post.

non rifled barrel???
really?? :shock: :shock:

Man whats the diffrence between that and a katta?
You want more gun control? Use both hands!

God made man and God made woman, but Samuel Colt made them equal.

One does not hunt in order to kill; on the contrary, one kills in order to have hunted. by Jose Gasset.

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