How 6 different wood stains look on different types of wood

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How 6 different wood stains look on different types of wood

Post by snIPer » Thu Jan 31, 2019 4:27 pm

Excellent article on how different wood stains look on different types of wood. ... ypes-wood/

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Re: How 6 different wood stains look on different types of wood

Post by shooter50 » Wed Sep 08, 2021 10:38 am

Kashmir Walnut unstained is a bit light, mix solvent based walnut stain and ebony stain in 2 :1 ratio. Do not apply it directly to the wood as commonly done. This makes it fill the pores and grain more giving it a painted finish. Take the above stain mixture and add to it a little Tung or Linseed oil plus thinner. The best products in India are Asian Paints stains and Asian Paints thinner. Apply the above by hand or brush to the wood, wipe off the excess with a clean lint free cloth.. Since it is oil based it will soak in the wood and highlight the grain much better. Let it dry for a day or two. You can follow it up later with more coats of Tung or Linseed oil or even Polyurethane. If your original Kasmir Walnut grain was good, it can match the best finishes you get abroad.

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