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Help needed where I can get hammer of bernardelli 7.65
Posted: Sun Oct 26, 2014 1:21 pm
by Kistenze
Dear friends
I accidentally broke my bernadelli 7.65 hammer . Can any one help me where I can find the spare or can this be repaired . Please check the picture.
Re: Help needed where I can get hammer of bernardelli 7.65
Posted: Sun Oct 26, 2014 10:09 pm
by Anand
Hi Amrit,
AFAIK, it does'nt look like a hammer. It looks like a striker fired pistol for which the frame mounted "block" housing the firing pin spring is broken. I am not an expert on this and I could be wrong so please bear with me. Can you post any additional pics with the pistol disassembeled? If it is a hammer then one can be machined by copying the original(how safe and how functional it will be will depend on the gunsmith doing the job). If a replacement part can be obtained from abroad that is of course the best solution. Try and contact some dealers near you.
Re: Help needed where I can get hammer of bernardelli 7.65
Posted: Mon Oct 27, 2014 12:32 am
by Vikram
A few more photos and model details, as suggested by Anand, will help.
Re: Help needed where I can get hammer of bernardelli 7.65
Posted: Mon Oct 27, 2014 10:09 am
by Kistenze
I think it's called slide bolt that's what this site says ... -35402.htm . , and also can I import this from this site as they say they can post it to India. Will it be legal ?
Re: Help needed where I can get hammer of bernardelli 7.65
Posted: Mon Oct 27, 2014 10:12 am
by Kistenze
Re: Help needed where I can get hammer of bernardelli 7.65
Posted: Mon Oct 27, 2014 10:52 am
by Kistenze
Here are the two pictures , on the other end of spring comes the firing pin
Re: Help needed where I can get hammer of bernardelli 7.65
Posted: Mon Mar 16, 2015 5:48 pm
by Kistenze
Heloo friends. . Can anyone suggest good gunsmith in punjab, chandigarh, haryana region .. gota fix my gun .. thx
Re: Help needed where I can get hammer of bernardelli 7.65
Posted: Mon Mar 16, 2015 8:31 pm
by TC
I know this particular model of the Bernardelli inside out because this was my first pistol, a gift from my dad when I turned 21.
This pistol is the highest form of simplicity one could say, which for you should be good news.
This is the block that locks the slide to the frame with the help of a cross-bolt that runs beneath this block and through the frame.... secondly, this piece also serves as the cocking indicator and keeps the striker inside the channel cut in the slide.
The pin that protrudes through the back of this broken piece is not the firing pin/ striker but a spring loaded indicator. It stays out of the pistol when the striker is locked back for firing.
Without this piece the pistol is useless and getting one in India is next to impossible because this is not a component that people would buy or keep as a spare part.
Getting the pieces welded wont' help either because this piece has to withstand a lot of pressure and if the welding gives away during firing the user would face grave danger.
The only solution that comes to my mind is to get one made out of machine steel. Look for a good gunsmith.
I can think of one - Parvez Ali of Dehra Dun who does magic with his modification of IOF pistols and gunsmithing skills mainly because he is an educated young man who understands guns.
Hope for the best
Re: Help needed where I can get hammer of bernardelli 7.65
Posted: Mon Mar 23, 2015 1:01 pm
by Kistenze
Thanks for reply TC
Bobby sidhu was the answer, got it fixed from him. He made the complete new part of steel & some other parts of the gun was also replaced which showed wear & tear of time. Now the gun is in excellent condition ,fired 4 rounds in one go .works smoothly
Re: Help needed where I can get hammer of bernardelli 7.65
Posted: Mon Mar 23, 2015 5:53 pm
by TC
Kistenze wrote:Thanks for reply TC
Bobby sidhu was the answer, got it fixed from him. He made the complete new part of steel & some other parts of the gun was also replaced which showed wear & tear of time. Now the gun is in excellent condition ,fired 4 rounds in one go .works smoothly
Hi Kistenze,
Bobby Sidhu's name did came to my mind first since you are located close to him. But I was not sure whether I should recommend him because his work doesn't come cheap. This, after all, was not a very complicated job for a good gunsmith.
Good to know your pistol is back in action.
Re: Help needed where I can get hammer of bernardelli 7.65
Posted: Thu Mar 26, 2015 1:10 pm
by Kistenze
Yes TC it was expensive indeed !!