problem with .32 iof rev

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Re: problem with .32 iof rev

Post by Ajaaybeer » Wed Feb 14, 2018 8:57 am

msbabbar wrote:mine is the old model ,not the current misfires at 90 degree most of the times.i found out that the bullets move to and fro in the chamber when we change positions of the rev.does this happen with others also.i have also used the same kf ammo in a s&w.there it fires without any problem at any position of the rev.
Although its an old post about which i am commenting but as stated above this problem is experienced by many people.
I conclude that the shooter must be facing problem in celebratory gun firing as majority men do the same and face same problem.
This is in context of iof ammo , when u raise the barrel of a loaded revolver in a straight line upward , the cartiridge rests in their position in cyclinder till 45 degree angle
Above 45 degrees or say at or near 90 degrees to the ground they slip backward out of cyclinder
Here lies the problem
A part of energy from firing pin will be wasted to push the cartiridge to its orignal firing position and that causes misfire.
Yet another explanation is if u go for a power shot , the misfiring issue is less as the thurst from pin is ample for the above process.
This is my observation , others may differ but since we were recently discussing same issue among our circle , i thought it relevant to post as this post was referred to me by a respected ifg member for reading.

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Re: problem with .32 iof rev

Post by pokhar » Fri Jan 14, 2022 7:06 pm

msbabbar wrote:
Fri Apr 08, 2011 12:19 pm
i own the iof .32 rev and it mis fires a lot many times i have fired a few hundred rounds from it.
out of six mine misses 2 or 3 these days if i fire them in continuation.if i fire after cocking each time it does not miss.
kindly help
Daer Babbar ji,
I have gone through this topic recently, hope you have found the solution and got your revolver rectified. Could you please share your experiences if it's working fine now.

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Re: problem with .32 iof rev

Post by shooter50 » Fri Jan 14, 2022 10:20 pm

Interesting thread.
Rare for a revolver to misfire in different positions. The fire in single action vs misfire in Double action could be due to insufficient length of travel to cock the hammer fully in Double action. Shooting 30-40 rounds continously would jam the cases in many revolvers. Mainly due to fouling and heat. In a revolver there is always a leakage of gases from the cylinder/barrel space.
Nothing basically wrong with the IOF 32 or its steel, it is a copy of the Webly Scott top break revolver. Top break revolvers require lower pressure ammo, something to keep in mind while shooting foreign ammo. The IOF 32 does however, suffer from poor workmanship and quality control. Most shortcomings can easily be tweaked by basic gunsmithing work. The problem is untrained Gunsmiths in India.
Coming to the problem of Shri Babbar, may I have the pictures of the misfired cartridges.
Happy shooting.

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Re: problem with .32 iof rev

Post by pokhar » Sat Jan 15, 2022 2:34 pm

shooter50 wrote:
Fri Jan 14, 2022 10:20 pm
Interesting thread.
Rare for a revolver to misfire in different positions. The fire in single action vs misfire in Double action could be due to insufficient length of travel to cock the hammer fully in Double action. Shooting 30-40 rounds continously would jam the cases in many revolvers. Mainly due to fouling and heat. In a revolver there is always a leakage of gases from the cylinder/barrel space.
Nothing basically wrong with the IOF 32 or its steel, it is a copy of the Webly Scott top break revolver. Top break revolvers require lower pressure ammo, something to keep in mind while shooting foreign ammo. The IOF 32 does however, suffer from poor workmanship and quality control. Most shortcomings can easily be tweaked by basic gunsmithing work. The problem is untrained Gunsmiths in India.
Coming to the problem of Shri Babbar, may I have the pictures of the misfired cartridges.
Happy shooting.
Fortunately got some pictures from one of my friend, hope it will suffice the purpose. It was iof .32 mark3. From the top, first two were miss fired and third and fourth were fired. As he told it was first time he tested his revolver and out of five only two shots fired and rest three missed. When he pulled the trigger first shot fired normally then three shots missed continuously. Again as he told he open it to check what happened and tried for last one. it fired as normal. He asked me to find some solution on this forum if possible.
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Re: problem with .32 iof rev

Post by timmy » Sat Jan 15, 2022 2:55 pm

Faced with such a problem, I would be inclined to check headspacing for each chamber and for different cartridges. Here is a good description of how this can be accomplished: ... 805/100263
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Re: problem with .32 iof rev

Post by shooter50 » Sun Jan 16, 2022 8:56 am

Thank you.
Is it also the first time that he is firing a revolver?Please ask him to fire a cylinder (6shots for the IOF) in Double action and see if the revolver fires normally. You can PM me for further directions
All the best.

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Re: problem with .32 iof rev

Post by revolver » Sun Jan 16, 2022 12:15 pm

Someone on YouTube had suggested this hack for solving the musing issue in IOF revolver. I have personally not experienced it so can’t be sure if it’s successful. Maybe someone who has tried this can comment. Also I am not sure if this hack as shown in the video will interfere with gases escaping during firing and could prove dangerous. But if it works then issue of applied pressure of the firing pin hitting the primer might be solved and the revolver in principle should not miss.

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