Shotgun "off the face"

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Re: Shotgun slightly "off the face"

Post by Pran » Thu Sep 20, 2007 8:22 am

Shutzen, just googled for a T&C grinder.I've never seen anything like that.Not many lathe guys around here would have something like that.

Mack The Knife, you can borrow my bench grinder the next time you plan to grind something.

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Re: Shotgun slightly "off the face"

Post by cottage cheese » Thu Sep 20, 2007 8:26 am

Pran";p="27156 wrote:Shutzen, what exactly is a tool and cutter grinder?
Its a specific type of grinder thats meant for grinding and sharpening cutters like milling cutters, reamers, lathe bits etc.

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Re: Shotgun slightly "off the face"

Post by Mack The Knife » Thu Sep 20, 2007 8:30 am

Pran";p="27156 wrote:Mack The Knife, you can borrow my bench grinder the next time you plan to grind something.
Better still, you grind them for me, else I'll be going through a fair number of bits before I get the hang of it.

Is it one of those small table top mounted devices with two circular stones?

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Re: Shotgun slightly "off the face"

Post by Pran » Thu Sep 20, 2007 8:33 am

No problemo.

>Is it one of those small table top mounted devices with two circular stones?

Yes.But I made this one from an old water pump.So it looks a little different.

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Post by Mack The Knife » Thu Sep 20, 2007 9:05 am

Thanks, Pran.

Abhijeet, I have a feeling that penpusher's gunsmith may be able to do a very good job. Delhi isn't all that far and you could drop off the gun on a weekend and pick it up the next. And just in case you need an incentive to move butt, Chandigarh lake may offer some good fishing as well.

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Re: Shotgun slightly "off the face"

Post by shutzen » Thu Sep 20, 2007 9:53 am

Pran";p="27156 wrote:Shutzen, just googled for a T&C grinder.I've never seen anything like that.Not many lathe guys around here would have something like that.

Mack The Knife, you can borrow my bench grinder the next time you plan to grind something.

HI! guyz go to a milling man or a gear hobbing shop and ask them where they get their tools sharpened - problem solved just go to the same dude who they go to and get ur bits ground to any blade size or philips size ;)

For the other query: a tool and cutter grinder is a special small bench grinder type thingy which has an insane number of adjustments so that all tyes of milling cutters and tools can be mounted on it and sharpened to a very accurate degree as all the movements are controlled by a slide mounted on a micrometer thread - so no free hand grinding only jigmounted machnie slide accurate grinding ;)

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Re: Shotgun slightly "off the face"

Post by bobbysidhu » Tue Dec 25, 2007 2:13 am

Last edited by bobbysidhu on Mon Feb 18, 2008 4:42 pm, edited 1 time in total.


Post by shahid » Wed Dec 26, 2007 2:31 pm

Good to know you, where are you based Bobby Sidhu, sorry it is your first post I have seen don't know where the previous three are, perhaps in introduction.

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Post by hellfire_m16 » Wed Dec 26, 2007 2:58 pm

Hi Mack The Knife,
I get my drill bits sharpened in Mysore once in a while from a person who owns a Lathe and a tool post grinder.
In Banglore also there will be a lot of these guys who do this job and its very inexpensive to get done.
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Post by mundaire » Sun Feb 17, 2008 11:50 pm

Finally gave the gun for repairs to Shamshuddin Gun House at Asif Ali Road. Got it back day before yesterday and he's done a pretty decent job of it, replacing the worn out parts with a new hinge pin and locking latch. The action and barrels lock together pretty solidly now.

The top lever is a little off to the right hand side though; according to him this will centre itself once a few boxes of ammo are put through the gun.

Total cost of repairs came to INR 3,000/-

Thank y'all for helping me out and guiding me on how best to go about this. :)

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Post by Mack The Knife » Sun Feb 17, 2008 11:59 pm

Glad to hear you got that sorted.

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Post by Sid_kapur30 » Mon Feb 18, 2008 11:41 am

So when do get to hear the BANG(don't get weird thoughts, i'm talking about bang - "a sudden loud sound")??

Can we hit the Dr. karni singh range sometime this week, i really want to see how different are powder burners from Air rifles.

mundaire";p="38390 wrote: Finally gave the gun for repairs to Shamshuddin Gun House at Asif Ali Road. Got it back day before yesterday and he's done a pretty decent job of it, replacing the worn out parts with a new hinge pin and locking latch. The action and barrels lock together pretty solidly now.


Post by shahid » Mon Feb 18, 2008 2:23 pm

ENjoy shooting with it. I may present you with an opportunity of some skeet shooting near Delhi soon, WIll definetely invite both you and Doc. Asif.

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Post by mundaire » Thu Feb 21, 2008 7:48 pm

shahid";p="38423 wrote: ENjoy shooting with it. I may present you with an opportunity of some skeet shooting near Delhi soon, WIll definetely invite both you and Doc. Asif.
Will, look forward to it... :)

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Post by eljefe » Sun Feb 24, 2008 1:05 am

Shahid, is it in Noida? ;)
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