the coloration on the frame, if that is just around the forcing area then it is quite normal and can be seen on good quality revolvers as well, please post pictures as soon as you can, and i might be able to give you a quick guess about it, as i said it could be a quick fix and the gun can be made to shoot again.
i am fairly new here, but this is something i have been shouting from the top of my loungs for quite a bit here, because i think your "gunmakers" are placing their clients in a dangerous posistion, with their attitude of money first, brains and talent a far second.
today i have asked the indian embassy about a permit to establish a forgin gunmaker business making sporting guns in india, with all the investments etc. that will follow, i have no high hopes about the answer, but i see that as the only way to make the gunmakers of india shape up and do right by their costumors, i even suggested that part of the factory would act as a private school for students that would then make the base for the new generation of indian gunmakers.
i allready have several investors that see this as an oppertunity to branch out and get a new and ripe market, for their products, but fear that the chanses are non excisting as of now
