Can we Import Precussion Caps for 12 bore cartridges

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Can we Import Precussion Caps for 12 bore cartridges

Post by snIPer » Tue Apr 06, 2010 3:30 pm

Hi all,
I have a few old 12 Bore cartridges - what i'd like to do for them is change the Precussion caps to ensure that the fire 100%.
So can we import them OR do we have to use the same Pcap with our local filling.
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Re: Can we Import Precussion Caps for 12 bore cartridges

Post by nagarifle » Tue Apr 06, 2010 3:35 pm

some how i think caps are not importable under the exim policy. if they are considered the same as ammo then top shots should be able to.

this is a good one to ask sniPer, have to take a good look at the policy. hope others can give more light

if you say it can not be done, then you are right, for you, it can not be done.

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Re: Can we Import Precussion Caps for 12 bore cartridges

Post by snIPer » Tue Apr 06, 2010 3:39 pm

If the answer is YES then a lot of obsolete old cartridges can get a new lease of life instead of just lying around as showpieces and paper weights.
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Re: Can we Import Precussion Caps for 12 bore cartridges

Post by MoA » Tue Apr 06, 2010 3:50 pm

How do you plan on re-loading your cartridges? Or even swapping out the precussion caps?

In terms of cartridge life, I have been using ammo manufactured before the start of WW II without an issue.

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Re: Can we Import Precussion Caps for 12 bore cartridges

Post by snIPer » Tue Apr 06, 2010 4:02 pm

Reload - The normal way....

Shells which have failed to fire.
Remove the contents - Shots - wad - powder
Then remove Pcap.
Fit new Pcap in and add components back in reverse order -

(Please note this is how i would do it and is not intended as a guide for others - Cartridge reloading is a dangerous process and should not be attempted if you have no prior experience in it)

I have used some old cartridges too but the success rate was only around 20%. Given the rate of imported ammo and ammo limits, storing old cartridges which have failed to fire are also considered part of cartridges in possession.
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Re: Can we Import Precussion Caps for 12 bore cartridges

Post by mundaire » Tue Apr 06, 2010 4:15 pm

I think what you are looking for are shotgun primers and not percussion caps.

Incidentally you can get percussion caps in India, for use with caplock muzzle loaders. If I am not mistaken they come in a couple of different sizes as well, though you would need to have them entered on a ML gun license... while at it you can also buy black powder and lead shot, throw in the the right tools and the right books on reloading and you can make your own black powder shotshells for just a few rupees apiece!

Be sure to follow all reloading safety precautions as well as the laws on how much ammo/ powder quantity you can possess etc.

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Re: Can we Import Precussion Caps for 12 bore cartridges

Post by MoA » Tue Apr 06, 2010 4:33 pm

You do realise that shotgun cartridge loading is a lot more complicated than say rifle re-loading.
Moreover disassembling shotgun shells is quite painful.

You will require a shotshell press at the minimum, and given the hassles of importing equipment into India, it might well be cheaper to buy new ammo.

Reloading is a fairly straightforward process for pistol and rifle ammo, and if you are following the instructions is not even remotely dangerous. As long as you're using common sense.

BTW Black Powder is actually a low grade explosive, and is a lot more dangerous to handle than smokeless powder.

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Re: Can we Import Precussion Caps for 12 bore cartridges

Post by snIPer » Tue Apr 06, 2010 4:57 pm

Ah My Bad - Thanks for clearing that Abhijeet.
But still if im not mistaken they cannot be purchased on a Shotgun license.

Any idea on the Import part.

@ MOA - well i agree it is a painfully slow process. Here itself there are loads of British Era reloding stuff if looked around carefully. I guess that is next on the list.

Thanks for the info on the Black powder.
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Re: Can we Import Precussion Caps for 12 bore cartridges

Post by Amit357 » Wed Apr 07, 2010 12:21 pm

Hi Sniper,i had a lot of 12 bore shell whose date of manufacture would be unknown to the people who gave them to me,as far my experince goes plastic tubed,Americen & UK based even Gevlot never gave any problems,there was a little problem in the paper tube {i guess due bad handling and paper does absorb moisture},though keeping them out in the Sun for a cpl of hours helped.I have at present a cpl of S & Bs,various loads in paper tube,which after a little heat treatment work out fine.
P.Caps being explosives in nature wont even be allowed in baggage,look up someone who has a M.L Gun and try and procure P.Caps no 26,along with this put a pinch of powdered matchstick head with the flint in the cap and it will ingnite the gunpowder for sure { my old Shikari GOD Bless his soul used it in his M L GUN,God only knows how many Wild Boars lost their lives to him :mrgreen: }.
Still holding the Brit Era reloading stuff,i have very happy memories of the wadcutters,the crimp rollers and the simple machine for extarcting the old P.Caps.Misplaced my father's stuff,simpler times-simpler lives.

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Re: Can we Import Precussion Caps for 12 bore cartridges

Post by snIPer » Wed Apr 07, 2010 1:18 pm

Thanks Amith, what I usually do is get all the stuff out and insert a common cracker cap between the anvil and the cap- that works fine.
IF you dont mind can you please post pics of the Brit Era reloading stuff - especially the machine for extracting the old P.cap.
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Re: Can we Import Precussion Caps for 12 bore cartridges

Post by MoA » Wed Apr 07, 2010 10:02 pm


Sorry but have to call BS.
What anvil and cap? Are you actually taking the primer apart?
That would be an excellent way to loose a finger. Most primers made post 1900 have the anvil pretty well jammed into the cup, and aside from actually setting of the primer it is fairly difficult to get it out. How are you doing it?
Other than a correct die, I personally do not know of a safe way of depriming a live primer. I have done it on occaison, in particular when I manage to seat one incorrectly.

More importantly how are you depriming the case? How are you reseating the primer, wad, resizing, seating and crimping?
I could take a few pics of primers to push my point home if you like.

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Re: Can we Import Precussion Caps for 12 bore cartridges

Post by TwoRivers » Thu Apr 08, 2010 6:58 am

One thing to remember here is the fact that just about every country used a different type and size of primer for shotshells, sometimes even different grade cartridges used different primers. American shotshell primers have long been standardized. Eley used a different kind and size. German, Austrian, French, Italian, Czech, Polish, or whatever shells, all have, or used to have, different size and kind of primers. So to reprime your old shotshells you would have to get a primer specific to that brand and era of manufacture.
And that would take some doing. Cheers.

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Re: Can we Import Precussion Caps for 12 bore cartridges

Post by snIPer » Thu Apr 08, 2010 11:59 am


Call BS or whatever N you want but that is how it is done.

Why on earth would anyone mess around with a live primer.
I don't remember mentioning Live Primer anywhere. - I have mentioned clearly - Shells which have failed to fire, meaning they have been tried multiple times and have not gone off.

These can be safely removed with a plyer.

Here is how you can do it.

Copying from above -
Reload - The normal way....

Shells which have failed to fire.
Remove the contents - Shots - wad - powder
Then remove Pcap.
Fit new Pcap in and add components back in reverse order -
In Indian cartidges you have a flat Anvil inside the Pcap (i havent looked into new ones but old one are as mentioned).
In old Eley Cartridges you have a circular ring kind of thing with a pointed head that goes into the Pcap.

I dont intend on writing a guide on this so if you have an idea then you know what i'm talking about.

Yes please do post pics on how you do it.
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Re: Can we Import Precussion Caps for 12 bore cartridges

Post by MoA » Thu Apr 08, 2010 12:17 pm

Any primer that has not actually fired is to be considered live.
I have no idea as to how you're removing either the contents of the cartridge or the primer with a plier. However what is clear to me is that you are setting your self up to loose a few digits.

I cant comment on either the Indian or Old Eley primers since I have neither.
I will take some pics over the next few days and post them.

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Re: Can we Import Precussion Caps for 12 bore cartridges

Post by nagarifle » Thu Apr 08, 2010 12:30 pm

MoA wrote:Any primer that has not actually fired is to be considered live.
:agree: unless a bang is heard treat it as live and take all and full safety measures.

if you say it can not be done, then you are right, for you, it can not be done.

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