Low Cost and Maintenance Home Made Pellet Trap

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Low Cost and Maintenance Home Made Pellet Trap

Post by pramodsid » Sat Jan 09, 2010 11:48 am

Low Cost and Maintenance Home Made Pellet Trap


Material used

 5mm Thick Iron Sheet
 3 mm Thick iron sheets
 5mm thick metal pipe [Square pipe]
 Primer Paint

Project Cost INR 2,500- $50

Making :

> 5mm Metal Sheet was used to make the shape shown in below picture
Thick sheet (5mm)will help in reducing the loudness when the pellet strikes the trap.
It does add to the weight of the project but is worth it, as am sure your neighbors will not complain of the noise from the pellet trap.




> A larger size of the square pipe has been used for the pellet collection at the rear of the Pellet Trap. A bolt can be passed through the outer/inner square pipe for firm attachment. You can remove it whenever you want to clear up the lead fillings left over from the pellets.


> 4 Jute Rack Sacks were dumped in the Pellet trap to reduce any lead fillings being thrown out of the trap. [You can easily have it replaced after every 1000 shots]
Note : Do not forget to wear shooting glasses when shooting at close ranges as a precaution.

> for any of those pellets that don’t get into the collection chamber will be retained by the stop sheet and acts as the secondary chamber for waste collection and can be cleaned easily by sliding the plate upwards.



I have fired more than 500 rounds an there not even a single dent on my Pellet trap…
Just leaves a few marks inside my Pellet Trap.


The whole assembly weighs 30 pounds, but I can manage moving from one place to another with the sturdy handle.

2 Key points

 The thicker the body lesser will be the sound produced when the pellet hits the trap.
 Smaller the unit made, lesser will be the inside volume and low will be the noise produced.[Do not compromise on thickness.]
 Ensure the inner walls where the pellet would hit are inclined, it helps to deflect the pellet and sends it to the trap at the Rear.

Any queries please let me know...I will do my best to answer all.
Forgive me with the delay in response due to the Time Zone....

Happy safe Shooting !!!
Goodbye to Putty !!!
Pramod P

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