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Diskaon brand pellet trap now available

Posted: Wed Dec 24, 2008 8:52 pm
by diskaon
I recently purchased a Sisco 0.22 Air rifle and living in a congested neighborhood that too in an apartment I just could not try shooting outside my window as it would be very irresponsible on my part.

So... as they say "Necessity is the Mother of all Inventions"

I made a home made pellet trap.

Step One:

You will need a box to trap the pellets. I used a cookie box from cafe coffee day



Step Two:

We need something to cushion the impact of the pellet. So I started with an old hand towel.


Then add some more rugs/cotton waste or what ever you can get at that time. Try to make the surface as flat as possible.


Step Three:

Put on a Target sheet. I dint have any std printed target sheets to this poor guy in the newspaper became my target. He wrote an article of how important its to practice. Ironical!!



Step Four:

Take Aim and shoot.

I took 5 shots in all. the first hit the bottom right hand side corner. I almost did not notice it. I was wondering for a few minutes if I had dry fired as i just could not find the pellet anywhere in the house.

the second shot got the man in his shirt pocket.


The next shot took out his thumb

I realized that I was aiming for a head shot but was hitting around 2" right and 1.5" lower. So after some adjustment on the windage and elevation on the rear sight i fired the molar teeth of this poor guy.


Step Four:

Do more R&D and post on IFG.

yahoooooo. I have an indoor 6mtr range..


Posted: Wed Dec 24, 2008 9:03 pm
by TenX
One more IFG-Borne R&D cadet :)
.. Great going Diskaon...

Re: Diskaon brand pellet trap now available

Posted: Wed Dec 24, 2008 9:11 pm
by raj
i used to do that too with my air rifles at my home.i even tried a .22lr shot on that box thing(i used rubber mats in place of cotton towel).that box was able to retain the pellets but .22lr went through it and hit the wall.
my dad was so upset with those bang sounds and scratched wall,he made a range for me at my farm...

Posted: Wed Dec 24, 2008 9:14 pm
by diskaon

I took a big risk shooting inside the house. So I fired from around 18-20 ft away. I told myself that if I could not hit a 5x7" target then I would give away the gun.

Also I had the risk to damaging furniture, walls, etc. I calculated that and kept a cushion behind the pellet trap too. but it was not required.

R&D?? sure, why not. I had also started making a peep sight for this gun. But after shooting today I found that this is more of a brute gun than a precision gun, it has a single stage rock hard trigger which tends to make the gun deflect away from the target while pulling hard. So i guess the peep sight would be for a 0.22 rim fire which I might pick up next year.


Re: Diskaon brand pellet trap now available

Posted: Wed Dec 24, 2008 9:17 pm
by diskaon
raj";p="62757 wrote:hey,
i used to do that too with my air rifles at my home.i even tried a .22lr shot on that box thing(i used rubber mats in place of cotton towel).that box was able to retain the pellets but .22lr went through it and hit the wall.
my dad was so upset with those bang sounds and scratched wall,he made a range for me at my farm...
buddy.. 0.22LR indoors.. formula for disaster!!!


Re: Diskaon brand pellet trap now available

Posted: Wed Dec 24, 2008 10:25 pm
by jonahpach
buddy.. 0.22LR indoors.. formula for disaster!!!
Heck! I bet there's some fool around the corner who would try a 9mm indoors! So a .22 air aint nutthin much..


Re: Diskaon brand pellet trap now available

Posted: Wed Dec 24, 2008 11:33 pm
by sharan_kan
Dear All,

I would recommend as per to my personal experience:

For Air Rifle practice only:

- Take a old big sac of cotton, maybe of Sugar, (Katta as it is normally called) fold it manyfold and hang it with a hanger resting along the wall. Pin up the target with it. Works very well and traps almost 100% pellets from as close as 10-15 mts. Have not tried this on Magnum class air guns. Just unfold the sac and give a firm shake or two, all the trapped pellets will fall down. (Heat up the found pellet in a iron kadhai and make new pellets again if you have a dye or can be used to make weights for fishing line)

- Just fill the sac with old cotton or clothes. Pin up the target with it. Will be damm affective as above.

In my humble opinion shooting .22 LR is must avoidable indoors until a proper range is there. Have tried indoor shooting once, on a bag filled of cement & on the 2-2.5 inches thick woodden pane. The bullet got almost 3-4 inches in the cement bag and crossed the wooden pane easily. Never try this at home please. We all might be aware of an incident or two, involving STRAY BULLETS.

Wishing everybody a Happy and Safe Shooting...

Cheers.. :)

Posted: Thu Dec 25, 2008 1:49 am
by TenX
jonahpach";p="62765 wrote:
buddy.. 0.22LR indoors.. formula for disaster!!!
Heck! I bet there's some fool around the corner who would try a 9mm indoors! So a .22 air aint nutthin much..

The whole problem is the chances of the bullet rebounding off any hard surface it impacts with.. although after being slowed down by any cushioning... Its still damn dangerous :)

Posted: Thu Dec 25, 2008 6:15 am
by Sakobav

I agree with Tenx shooting indoor especially withing living quarters and confined places is fraught with danger. Such suggestion should never be made; all it takes is one pellet ricocheting, etc. Handling guns in such a manner also leads complacency which can lead to inadvertent discharge. Why take unnecessary risk ?

Re: Diskaon brand pellet trap now available

Posted: Thu Dec 25, 2008 7:17 am
by raj
diskaon";p="62760 wrote: [buddy.. 0.22LR indoors.. formula for disaster!!!

i just tried check my pellet retainer(trap)...i got a range made at my farm nothin to wory now..

Posted: Thu Dec 25, 2008 8:50 am
by TenX
An ideal pellet trap should have an inclined plate at the receiving end, directing the pellets into a collector. This will avoid any possible rebounding.
Something like this:


But frankly speaking, even I use about 20 newspapers well folded into a block of about 8-10 inches and well taped. But I use it only on my terrace with atleast 5 feet of space behind the target and the wall. So far, none of my IHP's have penetrated the 10 inches of well compressed newspaper ... Although this would not be the best one :)

Re: Diskaon brand pellet trap now available

Posted: Thu Dec 25, 2008 8:56 am
by raj
TenX";p="62790 wrote: An ideal pellet trap should have an inclined plate at the receiving end, directing the pellets into a collector. This will avoid any possible rebounding.
Something like this:


But frankly speaking, even I use about 20 newspapers well folded into a block of about 8-10 inches and well taped. But I use it only on my terrace with atleast 5 feet of space behind the target and the wall. So far, none of my IHP's have penetrated the 10 inches of well compressed newspaper ... Although this would not be the best one :)
that is a good design sir..
i think it will be great for my younger cousin who has just got one IHP and started shooting..

Posted: Fri Dec 26, 2008 2:27 pm
by diskaon

My initial design was similar to what you have shown in the picture. But I could not find suitable material which would deflect the pellets into the trap without just penetrating right through it. So i designed this "trap" which would cushion the impact of the pellet. .. and it worked soo well. the pellets were hardly dented. I was even tempted to reuse them.


Posted: Sun Dec 28, 2008 1:16 pm
by TenX
Good to know that your trap had ample cushioning :)
.. But please dont re-use them, although I know you wont :)

Posted: Tue Dec 30, 2008 2:39 am
by Mo
Nice developments! If you guys dont mind spending a li'l, a really good design will be to take a similar metal enclosure, add a thick carpet backstop and fill it up with modelling clay (Play-doh, silly putty etc.).

Absolutely no ricochets. No pellet impact sound.

If you want to get creative and check the power of your different rifles, add several layers. For eg, One layer of carpet, Clay, Another layer of carpet, clay etc. This will also help you determine penetration at different distances.

Or else, magazines taped together are great.