So... as they say "Necessity is the Mother of all Inventions"
I made a home made pellet trap.
Step One:
You will need a box to trap the pellets. I used a cookie box from cafe coffee day

Step Two:
We need something to cushion the impact of the pellet. So I started with an old hand towel.

Then add some more rugs/cotton waste or what ever you can get at that time. Try to make the surface as flat as possible.

Step Three:
Put on a Target sheet. I dint have any std printed target sheets to this poor guy in the newspaper became my target. He wrote an article of how important its to practice. Ironical!!

Step Four:
Take Aim and shoot.
I took 5 shots in all. the first hit the bottom right hand side corner. I almost did not notice it. I was wondering for a few minutes if I had dry fired as i just could not find the pellet anywhere in the house.
the second shot got the man in his shirt pocket.

The next shot took out his thumb
I realized that I was aiming for a head shot but was hitting around 2" right and 1.5" lower. So after some adjustment on the windage and elevation on the rear sight i fired the molar teeth of this poor guy.

Step Four:
Do more R&D and post on IFG.
yahoooooo. I have an indoor 6mtr range..