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the best scope for .22 rimfire

Posted: Sat Jul 05, 2008 10:53 pm
by nagarifle
Greeting to all

i would like your opinion on scopes for .22 rim fire rifles.

what power scope do you use and why have you chosen them?

which scope would be best in terms of power. since the shooting range is not long 100M or less, i would have thought a 4x32 would do a good job. what do the forum members think?


Posted: Sun Jul 06, 2008 3:05 am
by shahid
A 4 x 32 is adequate enough for a .22 LR rifle. A 22 LR shoots accurately upto about 75 meters or 80 yards and that's the limit.

Any Tasco, Simmons, Bushnell or other makes would do fine. Even Gamo and Diana Air Rifle rated scopes would do.

If you land up a Nikon, Luepold or Radfield scope, great.

3-9 x 32 or 3-9 x 40 will meet the case very well.

If you use your rifle exclusively for jungle hunting then go in for a 1-2.5 x 32 o5 1.5-3.5 x 40, this is what pros use for close range hunting and it makes a real difference.

40 mm reciever ( bell ) will slightly perform better at dusk or low light conditions.

If the rifle is used for long range target shooting from a benchrest then go for high power scopes. Anything from 4-12 x 42 or similar.

For centrefire rifles where the quarry is at 100 to 150 yards we use a4 x scope because the field of view and the perspective to the eye is a good compromise.

Useing a higher power, as it is I can easily twist the ring to bring it upto 9 X will result is not so quick target acquisition as the field of view will narrow down and the cross will shake constantly near the point of bullet placement.

Even a fixed magnification scope of 4 x 32 is great for centefires like 30-06 or 7 x 57 for 100 yards to 150 yards.

Generally a more practical range encountered more frequently is 50 to 70 yards for Centrefire and 30 to 50 yards for .22 Rimfire.

If a shooter does night shooting of rabbits etc. with a .22 LR then investment in an illuminated scope is a sound idea.

Note :

The explaination above is from international experience and largely hyothetical with the Indian prospective. Remember a .22 LR is used only for target shooting in India and not for pursuit of any quarry species.

Re: the best scope for .22 rimfire

Posted: Sun Jul 06, 2008 9:37 am
by ai
It is important to either have a scope with parallax adjustment that allows adjustment down to 10 meters, or have a parallax that is factory set as found in scopes made for .22s.

Posted: Sun Jul 06, 2008 2:39 pm
by shahid
AO ( Ajjustable Objective ) scopes are available in a number of models now and are a good extension.

But on a .22 Rimfire, a very basic 4 x 32 does the job just fine.

Invest in a scope from a better known manufacturer like those listed above, not in one from a Supermarket Bubble pack made in Taiwan and it will hold fine on a .22 LR for many years.

Posted: Sun Jul 06, 2008 4:19 pm
by cyrixoutside
yeah i have a bushnell 4x32 Rimfire scope on a krico .22 and i works very well, anything much bigger and the setup would become top heavy.


p.s - rimfire specific scopes are parallax free at 50 yards and usually the rings are also included in the price.

Posted: Sun Jul 06, 2008 6:06 pm
by marksman
A Leupold Compact in 4x configuration has been serving me pretty well for about last 15 yrs. These compact scope made by Leupold,Burris and others look good on a .22 rifle in proportion and are Parallax adjusted for shorter distance. Other 1" dia and bigger scopes, especially the variables when installed look terrible on the delicate breach of a .22 rifle, just IMHO. This wonderfully apt combination will surely protect you from those blood thirsty, flesh chewing bone gnawing empty beer cans that have a nasty habit of leaping at your throat from the bushes.

Re: the best scope for .22 rimfire

Posted: Sun Jul 06, 2008 11:42 pm
by b.baracho
i use a Bushnell Elite 3200 4-12X40 gets the work done and very happy with it.

Posted: Wed Jul 09, 2008 12:27 pm
by nagarifle
thanks mates for ur input, any more input will be most welcome

this will give us an idea what are the member of the forum are using and thinking about which scope to use on the rimfire rifle.

once again thanks


Posted: Wed Jul 09, 2008 3:20 pm
by mundaire
Thread moved to the accessories section...

Posted: Wed Jul 09, 2008 8:06 pm
by GasramGandu
Nagarifle, IMHO a 3-9X40 should cover most of your shooting requirements with a .22 cal.