indian";p="37282 wrote:hi everybody

i came across a beretta 86 cheetah in .380 auto for a reasonable it worthy to bring this gun into india on aTR?the gun is in excellent condition this caliber ideal for self defense??advise and opinions required

Well...indian, the 86 would be just as good as any other Beretta- Meaning very good. In fact they are among my favourites. As you mentioned, it's in good condition. Nothing better to ask for. While .380ACP ammo is not very plentiful in India and is very expensive, it is a decent NPB cartridge and packs a wee bit more punch than the 32ACP thats readily available.
Performance wise, most 380 pistols wont differ significantly from the other since most are in the same category (Compact)- Most have similar length barrels so the ballistic performance will be largely similar to other decent 380 pistols. What will matter most will be the reliability and fit of the gun- This is where you can differentiate a well made gun from a cheap poorly made gun. Also, features would be another factor though not too telling on the ballistics. In all these, Beretta Pistols are more than adequate.
If you have no issues with the expense and the trouble of getting it imported TR or otherwise, by all means do so.
Since getting spares and parts for guns from overseas will be equally painful, I suggest you spend a little more in spare springs, firing pins, extractors and of course- Magazines, during the initial import.