Aimpoint sights Vs scopes

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Aimpoint sights Vs scopes

Post by shutzen » Mon Nov 12, 2007 9:22 am

HI! Recently lots of ppl are shifting to aimpoint sights instead of scopes. Whats your take on the subject? which is actually a better sight - since every thing evolves with new inventions and change - has the venerable rifle scope finally evolved and we might be moving on ?

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Re: Aimpoint sights Vs scopes

Post by Mark » Mon Nov 12, 2007 9:50 am

I haven't seen a "red dot" sight yet that you can shoot on a sunny day when the sun is overhead or behind you.

I used one when I shot bullseye but took it off as my scores were pretty much the same with or without it.

I would say they have some applications where they are good, but not really enough of one for an experienced shooter to make them a better all around sight than just plain irons.
Last edited by Mark on Mon Nov 12, 2007 1:18 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by dev » Mon Nov 12, 2007 11:43 am

shutzen";p="30804 wrote: HI! Recently lots of ppl are shifting to aimpoint sights instead of scopes. Whats your take on the subject? which is actually a better sight - since every thing evolves with new inventions and change - has the venerable rifle scope finally evolved and we might be moving on ?
Very much doubt it. I had an inferior aim point and then a BSA one. Don't have any either but have stuck to my scopes. Aimpoints don't work to well in bright sunlight as Mark has already mentioned.

You might like the mil dot scopes more as the next gen of scopes but that's purely my take.


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