Need for good ammo

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Need for good ammo

Post by vrohan59 » Mon Aug 14, 2006 10:48 pm

Hello fellow gun people
I live in the north east of India, and here it is very hard for us to get ammo. A .32 Long cartridge costs Rs.85, .32 short cartridge costs Rs.95, .22LR Indian make costs Rs.20. I think you will all agree with me that this is absurd. Can you beat it? In Assam law abiding citizens can purchase only 4, thats right only 4 Rounds of ammo a month. So PLEASE any info in this regard would be very helpfull.

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Post by eljefe » Tue Aug 15, 2006 12:59 am

Rohan, what you need is good administrators, not good ammo!
In UP, one can buy ammo-10 rds, every alternate day-until limit is reached! hilarious
no uniform gun laws, insurgency, all kind of woes, yet we law abiding gun owners are here...what me must progress to, is an active, vocal group, a platform for all law abiding gun owners of India.Hope its soon!
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Post by Kshatriya » Tue Aug 15, 2006 1:03 am

1. Prices sure are absurdly high...they cost around Rs. 35/- or so in U.P.

2. If u are saying 4 carts per month i.e. 48 per year for the revolver cartridges, I am surprised, as The Arms Act specifies a limit of 25 per year.
Of couse as eljefe says,it's just a minor bother,at least here.
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Post by Vikram » Tue Aug 15, 2006 7:01 am

For our,in fact my dad's 12 bore SXS, the annual quota is 500 rounds.No restrictions of monthly or daily basis. Not strange and I am not complaining.

And the leaches in HYD ask Rs 45-50 per a single cartridge.Daylight robbery or what! A 30/06 round costs Rs80-100 and imported Sellier &Bellot rounds cost anywhere between Rs 120-160.

elejefe wrote
what me must progress to, is an active, vocal group, a platform for all law abiding gun owners of India.Hope its soon!
I second it.What next, gentlemen.Let's have our own organisation and start fighting for our rights. Any ideas? Off with them. :D :twisted:

Best to all- Vikram
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Post by cyrixoutside » Tue Aug 15, 2006 10:35 am

Kshatriya wrote:
2. If u are saying 4 carts per month i.e. 48 per year for the revolver cartridges, I am surprised, as The Arms Act specifies a limit of 25 per year.
the arms act specifies no such limit.

these are rules made up by the local babus.

i myself am allowed to purchase 100 rounds per year. I know several people who have 500 rounds per year quota's and a couple who have 1000 rounds per years quota.

i also know one person whose license is marked "no limit"

basically since the babus know that no one will bother to spend Rs 50 and buy the latest copy of the arms act and then spend about 2 hours reading it cover to cover, they keep making new rules on their own and declare that its in the arms act.

like the authorities in jaipur who only give 10 rounds per quota's


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Post by ganeshnayak » Tue Aug 15, 2006 12:07 pm

Thereare no fixed rules.
I am in Gujarat and own a revolver and a 12 bore gun.
My limit is 100 rev .32 cartridges in a year(no more than 50 at a time) and 250 shells for the gun in a year(no more than 50 at a time)

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Post by Kshatriya » Wed Aug 16, 2006 9:29 pm

cyrixoutside wrote:
the arms act specifies no such limit.

these are rules made up by the local babus.

That was enlightening indeed, Rajat.Is there no redressal mechanism in place wherein u can appeal against such blatant misuse of the act ?
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Post by cyrixoutside » Fri Aug 18, 2006 8:32 am


the you can apply to the D.M or who ever is the issuing authority in your area to increase you ammunition quota. However they may or may not agree to increase it.


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Post by perazzi » Fri Aug 18, 2006 11:42 am

The way the quota endorsement on the license usually goes Eg as in my case for shotgun(.12bore) ammo is 200/500.
This means that i can purchase a max of 500shells a year and not more 200 at one given time.

Cheers Rohit.

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Post by monty3006 » Sun Oct 08, 2006 7:30 pm

hi everyone,
Small note here. Do U all know of a provision in the arms act which says that if u exaust the quota alloted to you in a calander year then u can apply to the licensing authority for a temp. increase in quota?.
Thus your quota may be 10 in a year, the only thing to do is buy 10 cartridges and then apply for permission to buy more. If need be you can explain in writing why u need more rounds. Its as simple as that.
Will the licensing authority grant your request or not is another matter.
But has any one here tried this method?
penpusher, Abhijeet, Rusty, Sat ?
I personally did try this and the licensing authority did grant me an increase in quota with no yearly limit. But I'm a proven target shooter.



Re: Need for good ammo

Post by penpusher » Sun Oct 08, 2006 8:46 pm


There are a lot of things in the Arms Act and Rules,that if implemented, would make the life of shooters in India a lot easier.I have never been in the danger of even reaching close to my annual quota and its not 100 or 200.Infact its a lot more than that.Considering the price of ammo.I would be spending a sackful of money to exhaust my quota and I can not justify that in any way.Always try to shoot with free ammo when ever I can get it :lol:

Take care,


Re: Need for good ammo

Post by penpusher » Sun Oct 08, 2006 8:52 pm

Almost forgot,talking about .32 pistol ammo, there is a fellow here who was selling Remington ammo at Rs.100 per cartridge.He had 4 boxes of 50 cartridges per box and had already sold 3 boxes by the time I called up :shock:

Take care,

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Post by monty3006 » Sun Oct 08, 2006 10:22 pm

Remington cartridges are good. I'd be interested in the remaining box.


Re: Need for good ammo

Post by penpusher » Mon Oct 09, 2006 12:24 am

Godd enough to be worth 100 rupees each?


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Post by Kshatriya » Tue Oct 10, 2006 6:04 pm

Why not, many lesser known brands retail for Rs.180-200 at Lucknow. Remington sounds like a steal at Rs. 100.:-)
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