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The benefits of oiling pellets: Part 1

Posted: Wed Feb 27, 2013 11:13 am
by Prabhath

Re: The benefits of oiling pellets: Part 1

Posted: Thu Feb 28, 2013 6:13 pm
by brihacharan
I think it is most useful in countries with low power limits.
Tried a lube years ago advertised to add power and realized by the tell tale smell I turned my BSA into a little dieseling machine.
Gave up when it started to sound like a .22 lr and smoke like the Marlboro man. ROTFL

The above statement is copy pasted from the link - It says a lot :D
> I have personally tried oiling pellets & the results were:
1. Detonation - My IHP35 22cal sounded like a LR 'Rim Fire' gun
2. Plenty of smoke emanated from the barrel
3. Excessive vibration
4. Breech seal got damaged & had to be replaced
5. Barrel fouling with burned carbon particles from the oil
> Loss in accuracy - Without oiling the pellets the groups at 30ft were 5/8" - Using oiled pellets the groups opened up-to 1 1/4"
> In my considered opinion "Don't Oil the Pellets" if you want your AR to shoot smooth & vibration free and of-course maintain accuracy.

Re: The benefits of oiling pellets: Part 1

Posted: Sat Mar 02, 2013 11:08 pm
by pratik_mahale
I wash Master Shot pellets, dry them & then oiled one tin with 4 drops of Air gun oil then role them over tissue paper to remove excessive oil so it prevented from oxidization & Detonation

As I wash the pellets all dust of pellets is removed which is good for barrel & No issue with accuracy

Re: The benefits of oiling pellets: Part 1

Posted: Sun Mar 03, 2013 7:54 am
by brihacharan
I wash Master Shot pellets, dry them & then oiled one tin with 4 drops of Air gun oil then role them over tissue paper to remove excessive oil so it prevented from oxidization & Detonation

> The 'Tissue Paper Treatment" is very important as it takes away 90% to 95% of the oil 'leaving the right amount of lube to provide optimum efficiency.
> Many who Oil the Pellets inadvertantly leave excess oil in them that cause - dieseling / detonation / excess vibration etc.
> Smart work Pratik :D

Re: The benefits of oiling pellets: Part 1

Posted: Mon Mar 04, 2013 2:21 pm
by essdee1972
I do something similar. Wash, dry (I did buy the hairdryer for the wife, but I use it more). Put oil (I use Castrol gear oil, for some reason a can is lying in my tool shelf) on a clean cotton cloth, pour some of the pellets on the cloth, roll them a few times. This method was mentioned in one of the old threads here (i.e. IFG). First time, I got dieseling (I wondered whether the gun had flicked a fag off me!!) , then I started using less oil, and let it soak into the cloth.