.22 bullet by ordnance factory

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cottage cheese
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Post by cottage cheese » Wed Jan 23, 2008 1:45 pm

nagarifle";p="36175 wrote:also i might point out that IFO does import ammo to other countries. could this be for import only?

around 10 to15 years ago when i was a wippet snatcher in green, the brits were short on 9mm rounds, so short that we had some around 1 million 9mm imported from India, i believe they(9mm) ended up in the sea.

therefore i can only guess that some of IOF 22 may be for import purose only and it could be a little better quiltity ones.

or as the USA army did when they wanted a anti tank weapon, they decided to be patriotic and produce and use made in the USA. even though the marines were very happy with carl gustove 84mm.
Ya Naga,

Good input. though I think some folks may be misled by the word import instead of export... :mrgreen:

I think the 'Export only' tag is equally stupid and lacking in common sense on the part of the IOFB.

1 Million? You're being too kind to the IOFB! If I remember it clearly, it was not 1million, but 42Million 9mmPara rounds that was ordered by the UK MOD! This was way back in 1988-89.

They were found to be seriously substandard. After a series of misfires, the entire consignment was scrapped at an estimated cost of $20!! :) :)

NOW! Thats some good PR or IOFB could use! :)

Unlikely the unaccountable babus in control would be affected from all this drama....thus likely there has been no improvement or change in quality. I suspect, on the other hand things would've gotten worse.

When people are paying through their noses to purchase 'imported' .22 shots, why can't the IOFB and its related idiots release precision .22 shots for civilians? Most folks will gladly pay a little more for KF match grade shots instead of selling their internal organs to buy a pack of imported shots.

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Re: .22 bullet by ordnance factory

Post by penpusher » Wed Jan 23, 2008 2:47 pm

They don't because the dealers don't place an order for them.The dealers don't because sufficient number of people don't demand/buy them.
nagarifle";p="36177 wrote: oh yes .22 subsonic are used for air hijeck in silent mode.
Wait till the looneys get hold of this. ".22 can be used to hijack planes silently.It should not be in the hands of Indian people who can't be trusted with anything 'dangerous'.Ban it"

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Post by snIPer » Wed Jan 23, 2008 3:32 pm

On my Epitaph - Off to Happy Hunting Grounds.

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Post by nagarifle » Wed Jan 23, 2008 5:08 pm

hi CC
well what can i say import export, not being a man of buszzinse what would i know. :oops: :oops: sorry for that am used to talking imports in the forum that i did not think. ur are right CC is should have read export. since am not in the media and grammer check is up the spout at the moment. i humbley bow down.

42 million of 9mm? for us (my unit) the quate was 1 million which as u say was binned. :) :) i do agree with u that if IOF makes a better grade of 22 i for one will not mind paying a little more.

least we forget babus are babus and u cant change that! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: they i believe are born into the job.

ha ha hi hi
.22 can mean anything as i did not say bullets rounds ammo etc. could it be the size of my?????? now try banning that.

point taken


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Post by nagarifle » Wed Jan 23, 2008 5:14 pm

if i may add its air hijake not plane hijake.
i should be a babo or a layer . :oops: :oops:
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

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