penpusher";p="31850 wrote: Lots of cartridges in 6mm.6mm BR is referred to as such.I have never seen it referred to as a.243.
HI! I was just mentioning the metric Vs milimeter sizes of the bore (diameter) not interchangability between the calibers. Obviously you read too much between the lines.
penpusher";p="31850 wrote: A 30-06 is not something that would help you in creating ripples internationally in the 300mtr ISSF rifle shooting.Most shooters get as it sells for a shitload of money in India.However,does not help them in achieving anything in the international sphere.
I have never claimed to be a international big bore shooter and have never said I would use a '06 in a international comp

. So stop preaching . Try buying a Big Bore Rifle which any renowned shot has imported in the past 5 years and let me know how sucessful you were. Pl read the notification on Disposal of old weapons at the NRAI website for further clarification. The "International" sphere in big bore rifle unfortunatly is in the domain of the INDIAN ARMY which has a foreign coach all year round and several rifles in .308 and 6 mmbr and they practice all year round on sarkari arms and ammo and acheive *zilch*
penpusher";p="31850 wrote: BTW,if the Chandigarh DM's office has entered the .308 rifle on your license as NPB rifle,they obviously are not doing their work.The notification to allow renowned shooters to own a .308 rifle does exist but the authority to grant you a license for it would still be the MOH,GOI.
This point had come up specifically in the discussion with the Jt. Secy. Home and he said that as the notification exempted me from certain provisions of the act he had no qualms about giving me licence for any caliber mentioned in the notification - INCLUDING 7.62mm and .303. Going by your interpretation not only Chandigarh DM but DM's all over India who have issued licences for .308 have not done their jobs - this includes at least 4 .308 licence holders I know of in NEW DELHI itself! What can we do in this country of illitrate babus but to tolerate their whims and fancies. I suggest you read the notification yourself carefully and clearly.
penpusher";p="31850 wrote: Enjoy your rifle.Your aim is obviously to retain your current status of a renowned shot.Wish you the best of luck.Somehow can't visualize you doing the country proud internationally,considering your limited ambition emphasized by your choice of calibers.
I will enjoy it as well as all the others that may come my way . Dont bother your sweet head trying to visualise anything for me as the Babus in charge of the MOS ,MOH are doing that work already. Whatever they decide has to be followed and their knowledge of the calibers used range to their old days and thats what they still visualise. My choice of calibers is only limited by what is allowed and my own decision to follow the rules and not bend the rules to import something which can later be questioned as manipulative. The Indian Army is where you have to look at for doing the country proud in the forthcomming commonwealth games big bore (BTW they also have acess to all the calibers which I dont have to including the 6 mmBR ) - but if it gives you any satisfaction in knowing I will definatly try to qualify for the trials though. AFAIK about the renowned status its just there waiting to be had by whoever qualifies for it - If I qualify again I will get it otherwise another time another place next year - why dont you try for it yourself?? If I remember correctly you had mentioned that you would be competing in the 300M

and would be training at the PAP jalandhar range.