Hi AC which DBBL is that? Munger or Mehar? I know you can't expect much from a 11K shotgun but still is it any good for casual shooting and home defense?art_collector";p="26291 wrote:.......well shooting is a rich mans game any way u got to be laoded.....
See the prices of firearms ....hand guns and rifles.......(Only indian guns are cheap..... A DBBL Gun costs you Rs. 11000/- (including VAT) ie $ 275 in Delhi ......rest every thing is expensive...
I wouldn't mind picking up some qty. of chilled shot from the gent if he is manufacturing/ selling...art_collector";p="26327 wrote: ShahidBhai,
What does Mr. Banerjee require a chilled drop tower for that its lying unused with him.
Thanks AC,art_collector";p="26326 wrote:Hi Inder ,
Well Bharat Small Arms made in Jammu is sold for 11,000/- (including VAT @ 12.5%) in Delhi. And so are many other DBBL Guns which are available in this range.
Adding some more u could get most other good quality guns from Munger like M.bansidhar, Mewalal, Royal etc in 22" Pistol grips etc .
If interested drop me a line I can ask my frend to send u a detailed price list .
Hi AC,art_collector";p="26349 wrote:Modern from Jammu is the best there. These are Non Ejector guns but very simple & beautifful guns.
Munger made guns are generally supposed to be better . Guns in munger are being made for over 100 years now. The process used for blueing is better in Munger . Dont think comparisson would be that easy. But of the munger made guns that I like the best are Imperial Arms & Girilal. Yes they would surely be better than modern & Mehar Singh
There are a few folks on the forum who own an Imperial,they have good things to say.kanwar76";p="26353 wrote:Hi AC,art_collector";p="26349 wrote:Modern from Jammu is the best there. These are Non Ejector guns but very simple & beautifful guns.
Munger made guns are generally supposed to be better . Guns in munger are being made for over 100 years now. The process used for blueing is better in Munger . Dont think comparisson would be that easy. But of the munger made guns that I like the best are Imperial Arms & Girilal. Yes they would surely be better than modern & Mehar Singh
Heard good things about Imperial, how much it retails for in Delhi?
AC, that is exactly what I had in mind... considering the paucity and irregular supply of desirable shot no's, I intended to use the shot to replace No. 1's, BB's etc. with No. 6 or 7 shot...art_collector";p="26350 wrote: Hi Abhijeet,
What would the lead shot be used for ....reloading? Dont think they manufacture them because Mr. Banerjee is a book publisher..thats why I asked Shahid Bhai what use does the tower have for him.