carry ammo

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Re: carry ammo

Post by goodboy_mentor » Mon Jun 11, 2012 10:28 pm

It is just that someone told me years ago that Indian law does not allow civilians to buy/sell cordite, nitro glycerine or similar highly combustible chemicals that are used in cartridges/shells etc.
Reloading is legal for arms license holders.
Rule 2(24) of Explosives Rules 2008 says:
“fireworks” means low hazard explosive comprising of any composition or device manufactured with a view to produce coloured fire or flame, light effect, sound effect, smoke effect (coloured or natural), or combination of such effects and includes fog-signals, fuses, rockets, shells, percussion caps;
Rules 9(4)(5)(6) of Explosives Rules 2008 says:
Rule 9. No licence needed in certain cases.— Notwithstanding anything contained in rule 7, no licence shall be necessary for the following cases, namely :—

(4) transport of safety fuse and fireworks;

(5) possession of fireworks not exceeding one hundred kilogram for own use and not for sale;

(6) possession by any person for his own private use and not for sale of gunpowder not exceeding five kilograms and fifty metres of safety fuse in any State other than Bihar, Kerala, Tamilnadu and West Bengal and of small arm nitro-compound not exceeding five kilograms except in the State of Kerala;
Rule 57 of Explosives Rules 2008 says:
Rule 57. Small quantities of fireworks exempted.—
Nothing contained in rules 49, shall apply to the transport of manufactured fireworks in the custody of a person entitled to possess them without a licence under sub-rule (5) of rule 9:

Provided that not more than five kilograms of manufactured fireworks, securely packed in original packing, shall be so transported in any motor vehicle used for conveyance of more than six passengers.
Related matter was also discussed here
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Re: carry ammo

Post by Gatorfarmer » Tue Jun 12, 2012 12:46 am

That is the one that I have - the out of production Foster tap o cap. You feed strips cut from a beverage can into the die then fit the pieces together... then whack with a mallet and you have an aluminum cap body. Then you use the modified hole punch to poke the cap part out rolls of paper toy pistol caps. A stick is used to load those into the metal shell and you have a percussion cap.

Are toy pistol caps sold in India?

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Re: carry ammo

Post by shooter » Tue Jun 12, 2012 1:21 am

Gatorfarmer wrote:Has anyone tried reloading the primer itself with either strike anywhere match heads or toy pistol caps? I once made a practice 410 shell by punching out the old fired primer with a nail. I removed only the cup part. The anvil I left. I was then able to load on either plastic toy pistol caps or percussion caps and make a bang. I also have a tool to make percussion caps out of paper toy pistol caps and beverage cans.
I have witnessed such reloading. (toy pistol caps). Cant elaborate for obvious reasons
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Re: carry ammo

Post by timmy » Tue Jun 12, 2012 2:30 am

Has anyone tried reloading the primer itself with either strike anywhere match heads or toy pistol caps?
Actually, many many people have -- back in "The Day."


"Toy pistol caps" are actually not toys! They were actually used on real guns, such as the USA Springfield musket used during the Civil War, as well as the Sharps breech loading percussion rifle instead of a conventional percussion cap for ignition. This system was known as the "Maynard tape primer" and you can read about it here on this wiki:

Please note the last paragraph of this wiki: "Variations of the Maynard tape system are still used today in modern toy cap guns."
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Re: carry ammo

Post by Tourblanche » Wed Jun 13, 2012 1:24 am


Parts for this Maynard conversion lock are still available here

Catalogue number 806

It was fitted on the 1816-1854 american musket , similar to french Charleville ,

and the gun itself is still made in India ... n_1816.htm

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Re: carry ammo

Post by renjith747 » Wed Jun 13, 2012 8:13 am

Can we buy percussion caps from armouries in india?.


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Re: carry ammo

Post by mundaire » Wed Jun 13, 2012 10:45 am

renjith747 wrote:Can we buy percussion caps from armouries in india?.

Yes, many stock them as well as black powder - for sale to people who own muzzle loaders. No primers (of any size/ type) or smokeless powder is to be had anywhere though :(

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Re: carry ammo

Post by TC » Wed Jun 13, 2012 4:24 pm

Rule 9. No licence needed in certain cases.— Notwithstanding anything contained in rule 7, no licence shall be necessary for the following cases, namely :—

(4) transport of safety fuse and fireworks;

(5) possession of fireworks not exceeding one hundred kilogram for own use and not for sale;

(6) possession by any person for his own private use and not for sale of gunpowder not exceeding five kilograms and fifty metres of safety fuse in any State other than Bihar, Kerala, Tamilnadu and West Bengal and of small arm nitro-compound not exceeding five kilograms except in the State of Kerala;
Thanks Goodboy Mentor.... I live in one of the states under the ban. Not surprised by my experience and what my dad said :(


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