.32 S&W KF vs Imported ammo

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Re: .32 S&W KF vs Imported ammo

Post by TwoRivers » Wed Mar 04, 2009 12:50 pm

Mundaire: One word of caution. Pistol powders are very fast burning, which means that pressures can spike very quickly, and dangerously so, with only minor changes. Those can be different brand cases, different primers, different powder, and seating depth. So, in your case, even a reloading manual with tested data, would be of little help. Especially a wadcutter bullet, since it is seated deeply into the case, will raise pressures tremendously, even if it replaces a bullet of the same weight.
Also, if you cast you own bullets, you'll need a sizer, and you'll need to lubricate the bullet.
Think I know how frustrated you fellows must feel, and hate to rain on your parade, but pistol powders are unforgiving if you make a mistake. Cheers.

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Re: .32 S&W KF vs Imported ammo

Post by mundaire » Sat Mar 07, 2009 1:13 pm

Also, if you cast you own bullets, you'll need a sizer, and you'll need to lubricate the bullet.
How about the micro band cast bullet moulds from Lee? They (Lee) claim that they don't require resizing and only need to be tumble lubed with Alox...

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Re: .32 S&W KF vs Imported ammo

Post by nm » Sat Mar 07, 2009 2:13 pm


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Re: .32 S&W KF vs Imported ammo

Post by rcdoma » Sat Mar 07, 2009 6:50 pm

Some oldtimers use lanolin for lube.

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Re: .32 S&W KF vs Imported ammo

Post by TwoRivers » Sun Mar 08, 2009 1:47 am

Mundaire: With those Lee bullets you should be able to do without sizing them. A mixture of lanolin and beeswax should do just fine for a short barrel .32 revolver. BUT, with the same powder charge, never use a heavier bullet then the original bullet, and NEVER decrease the case volume, i.e. do not seat the base of the new bullet any deeper into the case. More than one .38 Special revolver has been blown up with tested and safe target loads when the wadcutter was seated deeper than specified. Cheers.

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Re: .32 S&W KF vs Imported ammo

Post by hks2056 » Tue Mar 24, 2009 2:28 pm

It is very interesting to read the various postings relating to KF 32 round. A lot of uninformed hair splitting is also there.I am using four inch barrel 32 bore revolver for past 17 years. During the years ihad oppurtunity to fire several imported brands, and offcourse great deal of KF ammo.I found that KF round has more muzzle blast and more recoil than any imported rounds. KF ammo is hundred percent reliable provided the bullet is firmly seated in the case. Even if it is a wee bit loose the reliability will suffer. the imported ammo is generally loaded to 700 fps from a four inch barrel. Though i have not done any chronograph test but i reckon from my humble experience that KF round leaves at about 850 fps from four inch barrel. Thus it is more potent than any imported round. I can vouchsafe this assertion from my experience of firing imported and Kf ammo into a stack of old books. imported S & B penetrated only 6 cms while the KF bullet penetrated 9 Cms.I suspect that KF lead is more hardcast than imported ammo.

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Re: .32 S&W KF vs Imported ammo

Post by Olly » Wed Mar 25, 2009 10:49 am

You didn't mention whether your .32 revolver is indian or imported... ?


Re: .32 S&W KF vs Imported ammo

Post by penpusher » Wed Mar 25, 2009 11:14 am

Olly wrote:You didn't mention whether your .32 revolver is indian or imported... ?
Some clues "four inch barrel" "past 17 years"

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Re: .32 S&W KF vs Imported ammo

Post by hks2056 » Fri Mar 27, 2009 9:13 am

yes it is H & R model 732, made in USA, with four inch barrel.

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Re: .32 S&W KF vs Imported ammo

Post by mundaire » Fri Mar 27, 2009 9:32 am

Am planning on chrono'ing the IOF .32 S&W Long and .32 ACP ammo sometime next week, will post the results here. I will need one tiny bit of help though, I don't have access to an accurate enough scale so would appreciate if someone can come up with a scale to weigh the bullets so that we can get some idea of the ME along with the MV.

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Re: .32 S&W KF vs Imported ammo

Post by Risala » Fri Mar 27, 2009 9:48 am

Let me know when & where....am tied up today,let's visit AC tomorrow..want to pick up a few boxes

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Re: .32 S&W KF vs Imported ammo

Post by mundaire » Fri Mar 27, 2009 12:17 pm

Sanjay wrote:Let me know when & where....am tied up today,let's visit AC tomorrow..want to pick up a few boxes
How about next weekend at NM's farm?

Sure, tomorrow's on, just got off the phone with NM he'll be coming as well... :)

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Re: .32 S&W KF vs Imported ammo

Post by Olly » Fri Mar 27, 2009 12:30 pm

Hmmm... sounds interesting.... :)

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Re: .32 S&W KF vs Imported ammo

Post by amk » Fri Mar 27, 2009 2:19 pm

Abhi, while you're at it how about Chronoing all the available handgun calibers (ones you can get access too). Your own, friends, etc...? .45, .22, .380???


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