HI! Folxs - I came across a very interesting LED front sight assembly and as i saw on the board many memeers have to get their barrells cut at the end and recrowned - or simply modify or taper the IOF .22 barrels and now maybe the 30 barrels

- this sight is ideal as a replacement or add on front sight and is fixed with minimum machining- u just need to fix a 3 mm screw onto the barrel ! Anyways this sight is height adjustable and during the daytime it has a light gathering plastic insert which glows pretty bright without any power and during the night you can turn on the LED and have a Hi-Tech glowing led front sight. I liked the concept as for several application the scope is not suitable and the open sights provide fast tgt acquisition in the dark and with this glowy led sight it should be even better. The sight comes complete with a base which houses the battery etc. I had a interaction with Mr. Klaus from Titanium gunworks and any member who is interested can contact him. It has a weight advantage and cost advantage besides sturdiness over a scope too. Chk this out:
Pic of front sight in night mode - looks cool
pic of front sight in day & night mode
complete assembly
Anyways the contact info is as follows:
Titanium Gunworks
Dipl.-Ing. Klaus-Dieter Jungermann Fax: +49-(0)6071-922 767