Increasing no of bullets on arms license.

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Increasing no of bullets on arms license.

Post by nk4344 » Sun Mar 05, 2023 8:44 pm

Hello Everyone,
I have received my arms license last month in Maharashtra. I have be granted 50 bullets to purchases as well as posses at the single time in one year. What is the criteria for increasing the no of permissible bullets to buy? I guess the maximum limit in India is 200 rounds. But how do i increase it or what is the actual procedure or criteria to do it?

Thank and Regards.

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Re: Increasing no of bullets on arms license.

Post by Vineet » Mon Mar 06, 2023 3:50 am

Give application to DM/ ADM. He will ask why you need it so just keep the answer ready to convince him.
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Re: Increasing no of bullets on arms license.

Post by ArunG » Mon Mar 06, 2023 2:30 pm

Why would anyone need 200 bullets within a year if they aren’t shooting them?
Guaranteed Red Flags for authorities:shooting 200 bullets in a year and keeping 200 bullets every year.

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Re: Increasing no of bullets on arms license.

Post by pgupta » Tue Mar 07, 2023 12:30 am

ArunG wrote:
Mon Mar 06, 2023 2:30 pm
Why would anyone need 200 bullets within a year if they aren’t shooting them?
Guaranteed Red Flags for authorities:shooting 200 bullets in a year and keeping 200 bullets every year.
This kind of thinking is the problem in India. How can authorities allow a person to bear a weapon which he/she is not comfortable with and doesn't have much training with because of the miniscule bullet quota. Don't understand what logic says let a person have a weapon but not allow that person to be trained with it and that's the main reason for accidents or bravado.
I could be wrong here but this is how I think.
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Re: Increasing no of bullets on arms license.

Post by timmy » Tue Mar 07, 2023 9:24 am

pgupta wrote:
Tue Mar 07, 2023 12:30 am
ArunG wrote:
Mon Mar 06, 2023 2:30 pm
Why would anyone need 200 bullets within a year if they aren’t shooting them?
Guaranteed Red Flags for authorities:shooting 200 bullets in a year and keeping 200 bullets every year.
This kind of thinking is the problem in India. How can authorities allow a person to bear a weapon which he/she is not comfortable with and doesn't have much training with because of the miniscule bullet quota. Don't understand what logic says let a person have a weapon but not allow that person to be trained with it and that's the main reason for accidents or bravado.
I could be wrong here but this is how I think.
pgupta, you and I think alike. It seems (as my Grandmother would say) that it is plain old "common horse sense" that people who have enough ammunitoin to practice to a level of proficiency would be much safer and much more desirable than a greenhorn blasting and blazing away, spraying lead all over creation and endangering everyone within many square kilometers..

But this is not the way people who are unfamiliar with guns might think, since TV and Movies clearly show that all one needs to do is pull the trigger to send the bullet anywhere they want, as if it was a smart bomb.

Then, to the police, earch cartridge in the hands of a civilian means that they and society are in mortal danger. Their own cartridges and bullets pose no threat to us or society at large, of course.

So, I think that the original advice of Vineet is correct: One would best give a compelling reason as to why the ammunition allocation should be expanded, even though we all know that even the greater amount is a pitifully insufficient amount required for developing handgun proficiency.
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Re: Increasing no of bullets on arms license.

Post by pgupta » Tue Mar 07, 2023 10:11 am

timmy wrote:
Tue Mar 07, 2023 9:24 am
pgupta wrote:
Tue Mar 07, 2023 12:30 am
ArunG wrote:
Mon Mar 06, 2023 2:30 pm
Why would anyone need 200 bullets within a year if they aren’t shooting them?
Guaranteed Red Flags for authorities:shooting 200 bullets in a year and keeping 200 bullets every year.
This kind of thinking is the problem in India. How can authorities allow a person to bear a weapon which he/she is not comfortable with and doesn't have much training with because of the miniscule bullet quota. Don't understand what logic says let a person have a weapon but not allow that person to be trained with it and that's the main reason for accidents or bravado.
I could be wrong here but this is how I think.
pgupta, you and I think alike. It seems (as my Grandmother would say) that it is plain old "common horse sense" that people who have enough ammunitoin to practice to a level of proficiency would be much safer and much more desirable than a greenhorn blasting and blazing away, spraying lead all over creation and endangering everyone within many square kilometers..

But this is not the way people who are unfamiliar with guns might think, since TV and Movies clearly show that all one needs to do is pull the trigger to send the bullet anywhere they want, as if it was a smart bomb.

Then, to the police, earch cartridge in the hands of a civilian means that they and society are in mortal danger. Their own cartridges and bullets pose no threat to us or society at large, of course.

So, I think that the original advice of Vineet is correct: One would best give a compelling reason as to why the ammunition allocation should be expanded, even though we all know that even the greater amount is a pitifully insufficient amount required for developing handgun proficiency.
Thanks Sir, for validating my thoughts.
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Re: Increasing no of bullets on arms license.

Post by nk4344 » Tue Mar 07, 2023 12:03 pm

Pgupta i totally agree to you. How can a person train himself on a newly bought weapon with only 50 rounds in hand. How can one familirze with his own weapon?

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Re: Increasing no of bullets on arms license.

Post by mundaire » Tue Mar 07, 2023 8:33 pm

Just a quick pedantic comment, "cartridges" *NOT* "bullets". A cartridge consists of:-

1) the bullet(s) - the actual projectile that exit the barrel
2) the powder - that combusts to provide the energy to propel the bullet(s)
3) the primer - which ignites the powder upon the striker (firing pin) hitting the primer base
4) the case/ shell - which contains all of the above three components into a compact package and is the "empty" that remains behind after the cartridge has been fired.

Now that's out of the way, on to your question. The Arms Rules 2016, provide for a comparatively better ammunition quota than was available earlier (in most jurisdictions). You MUST read the mentioned rules and apply for increase in ammunition quota while quoting the relevant rules (in your application) to support your claim. The justification is and must be stated as, your desire to attain proficiency in use of your firearm(s). That's the whole reason why Arms Rules 2016, increased ammunition quotas across the board for EVERYONE.

Do keep in mind though, that while there is no such justification in law, your local authorities MAY require you to provide proof of use of said ammunition for practice, at least in the initial years. So, do your homework and find a range close by, where you can train and consume the ammunition. After each range session, ask them for a bill for your time spent there. At the end of each year, be prepared to show the empties as proof of consumption at the range (along with range bills).

NOTE: you are under no compulsion to deposit the empties with the authorities, as they are your property purchased with your money. Say a firm NO, if asked to do so.

The Arms Act gives wide leeway to the authorities implementing it. So, the above may or may not be asked for, just putting it out there as preparation for worst case.


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Re: Increasing no of bullets on arms license.

Post by Reddick » Thu Mar 09, 2023 11:54 am

Hello All ,

I am from Punjab and recently , I got my cartridges increased on my Arms license for both of my weapons from 25 to 200 per weapon to be kept at all time during a year.
I am a lifetime member of NRAI , New Delhi and due to which I fell under the category mentioned under Rule No. 40(5) of The Arms Rules , 2016 .
Initially , the D.M staff got reluctant to increase the cartridges but I carry The Arms Act and Rules with me and produced before the persons whoever , whenever and wherever I felt to use it :)
I had also attached the copy of concerned Rules with my application due to which , after a prolonged delay , the increased quota was allotted to me :D
However , please refer to Rule No. 23 also as it provides for maximum of 200 rounds purchasable per year and 100 rounds maximum possessed at one time per weapon.

I hope this may help you guys .

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Re: Increasing no of bullets on arms license.

Post by Vikram » Thu Mar 09, 2023 4:17 pm

Reddick wrote:
Thu Mar 09, 2023 11:54 am
Hello All ,

I am from Punjab and recently , I got my cartridges increased on my Arms license for both of my weapons from 25 to 200 per weapon to be kept at all time during a year.
I am a lifetime member of NRAI , New Delhi and due to which I fell under the category mentioned under Rule No. 40(5) of The Arms Rules , 2016 .
Initially , the D.M staff got reluctant to increase the cartridges but I carry The Arms Act and Rules with me and produced before the persons whoever , whenever and wherever I felt to use it :)
I had also attached the copy of concerned Rules with my application due to which , after a prolonged delay , the increased quota was allotted to me :D
However , please refer to Rule No. 23 also as it provides for maximum of 200 rounds purchasable per year and 100 rounds maximum possessed at one time per weapon.

I hope this may help you guys .
Well done you! :cheers:
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Re: Increasing no of bullets on arms license.

Post by Nilayabhishek » Sun Dec 22, 2024 7:44 pm

Can anyone tell that the year duration ends 31 december or is according to the licence issued date for the yearly quota of the ammunition??

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Re: Increasing no of bullets on arms license.

Post by nm » Tue Jan 07, 2025 10:30 pm

Nilayabhishek wrote:
Sun Dec 22, 2024 7:44 pm
Can anyone tell that the year duration ends 31 december or is according to the licence issued date for the yearly quota of the ammunition??
31st December

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Re: Increasing no of bullets on arms license.

Post by ss2008mm » Sat Mar 22, 2025 10:43 pm

Today, I went to purchase .32 ACP cartridges in Noida after four years, and the dealer informed me that I need permission from the Assistant Commissioner of Police (ACP) to buy new ammunition, even with a valid license. Is this requirement enforced everywhere, or is it specific to this region?

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Re: Increasing no of bullets on arms license.

Post by Vineet » Sun Mar 23, 2025 8:05 am

This rule is only in Uttar Pradesh
Vineet Armoury
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