Reloading freedom seeds

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Reloading freedom seeds

Post by thesinfulsaint » Sat Nov 05, 2022 11:59 pm

Any reloaders here? Haven’t found many desi folks into reloading in my neck of woods.

Today was a good Saturday, loaded up some freedom seeds in 44, 38 & 9. They are sorted by powder and bullet type.

Hopefully I can add 45-70 to the list soon. But for now I have enough stock to keep me busy at the press.

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Re: Reloading freedom seeds

Post by timmy » Sun Nov 06, 2022 12:56 am

I do reload everything, except for 22 Long Rifle. I also cast for all calibers, except right now for 8x57. I have a small supply of lead, and a fair supply of linotype but I do need to get over to the scrap yards and start scrounging for old plumbing and roof flashing. I haven't yet asked the powers at the range about doing a little mining in the backstops, something I used to do a lot.

For brass, I'm set except for 32 Auto. My principle is 100 cases for each rifle (I have more for a few) and 500-1000 for each handgun cartridge. I'm looking for 32 Auto right now.

Your powder selection is very nice! I prepared for retirement for several years and have gotten down to Bullseye (most pistols and revolvers) Unique (a few pistols and the shotguns) a little bit of H4198 and IMR3031 (for 45-70 and 577/450) a couple pounds of WW296 (45 Colt and 7.62x25) and several pounds of H4831 for the 270, when I do shoot jacketed bullets out of it (I haven't been hunting in years).

My powder needs are something that can be used in all rifle calibers for cast bullets, which looks for a medium rate powder in the 4198 range or a bit faster. I really want to try Shooters World Buffalo Rifle (imported Czech Lovex D060) if I could only find some. I've also been looking at IMR 7383, which is a military surplus powder used in 50 cal. sighting rifles used with the 106mm recoiless rifle. There's a guy who has 16# of it, but getting it is the issue. As you know, many powders are now very hard to get.

Most of my die needs are met. All calibers except 8x57 have Lyman M dies or Redding expander plugs for cast bullet loading. Most calibers have Lee factory crimp dies added. I have Forster benchrest seaters for 270, 308, and 7.62x54r. I need to work out issues for 7.5x53.5 Swiss (the predecessor to 7.5x55) due to the goofy throat dimensions used with the goofy bullet the Swiss used. This will have to do with the right diameter mandrel for a Lee collet (neck size) die.

I'm set for presses. My big need now is for Large Rifle primers (big new here, huh?).

Years back, I did my shooting at the Wolfe City Gun Club (now closed) near you. I looked at other places, but this was best for me. I also visited the range in McKinney before the forces of civilization closed it down.

It looks like you've got a nice supply of fodder for fun there!

Reloading is certainly the way to go right now. For many years, I've considered getting a small caliber (.32 or .36) flintlock rifle, to insulate myself from the world's goings on. There are folks who make their own black powder; I know a guy who shoots an M1871 .43 Mauser who makes his own black powder. I asked what he did for cases and he said he drills out the primer pockets and uses shotgun primers! But I haven't asked him about his black powder process. Anyway, primers are the big issue right now, as you know, and a flintlock would insulate me from that. There are people who make their own primers, too -- I've looked into that, but I'm not that motivated -- yet.
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