Thanking you all in anticipation...

Turquoise is not that expensive any way, they could use it in a reproduction too.mundaire wrote:Thank you Yaj, not sure about the stones - my friend says they could just as well be replacement plastic look alikes, I guess only a visit to the local jeweller will put that one to rest!
Yes i can see it on the handle bars. I suppose it can be removed.mundaire wrote:The hand guard and handle bars have pieces of cloth stuck on which are visible in the third picture - clearly of recent vintage but made to look old. Do you think I should ask him to remove those (pieces of cloth) to see what is beneath?
I would love to hear what the more knowledgeable members on the forum think too. Please try and take pics if the dealer permits so we can have a lookmundaire wrote:BTW I am to visit this dealers place next week as he apparently has a couple of daggers/ katars with 2 muzzle loader pistols built in (on either side of the hilt), which are of particular interest to me. However, I'll be taking a call based (in part) on what you chaps have to say about this piece sold by him...