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What up with these new rules

Posted: Sun Mar 23, 2014 10:51 pm
by maverick786us
Has the rules for possessing knives and other edge tools changed? Now a days whenever I search for Ka-bar or recon or any other tactical hunting knifes in, I see this message "Items of this category cannot be shipped to India". ! is up with the new policy? 2 yrs ago these knives were readily available in ebay. I have a good collection of kabar knifes. I want to buy new folding knifes and now there is this import band. Can someone suggest me some other site from where I can purchase these knives?

Re: What is with the new rules

Posted: Tue Mar 25, 2014 10:37 am
by essdee1972
You can try knifecenter dot com, where many of the members (including me) have shopped. However, please stay within the size and other limits of the Indian laws (or whatever is applicable in the area of your nearest airport), unless you want to attract undue attention from the Customs.

See the thread "Is import duty applicable to knives" for good inputs from members on the topic. (sorry, even after more than 3 years here, I still haven't learnt how to link a topic!!!)

Re: What is with the new rules

Posted: Fri Apr 11, 2014 9:55 pm
by mundaire
This what you looking for essdee1972 -




PS - Knifecenter is a good site, I've heard it being praised by other friends too :)

Re: What is with the new rules

Posted: Tue Apr 15, 2014 12:07 pm
by essdee1972
Yup, Abhijeet! Thanks!

Re: What is with the new rules

Posted: Tue Apr 15, 2014 2:34 pm
by shadow
Hi maverick,

Essdee is right. I have been importing knives from since last 3 years. They have excellent collection, very good pricing and excellent customer service as well.

But please check the size of the knives you order. However if you place an order for anything that is not permissible in India, you will get a mail immediately from their customer service. Atleast that's what my experience with them has been so far.

Keep us posted!


Re: What is with the new rules

Posted: Wed May 07, 2014 3:22 pm
by maverick786us
Thank you for the suggestions. Cart2India was the one who happened to import knives from US and send it using ebay. Its no longer there in ebay. But I recently found it in I have ordered 2 knives from there.

I read the rules and what I read is that any blade bigger than 9 inch and broder than 2 inch is illegal. Similarly in case of folding knife, any knife with blade bigger than 4.5 inch or any button insisted knife is illegal. I could be wrong, thats what i read in this form, couple of years ago.

Now the question,
1) Illegal to possess or
2) Illegal to carry around?

I've seen its common for people to possess swords and machate. If I want to import a Japanese katana which is available for 19K, will it be taken in customs? I am a huge fan of japanese swords. If I order a tomhawk or a bowie knife, which has blades bigger than 9 inch, will it be seized by the customs? How do people import swords?

Re: What is with the new rules

Posted: Wed May 07, 2014 3:37 pm
by mundaire
Machetes are agricultural tools and are exempt from blade dimension/ other restrictions as per the Arms Act.

As to swords it depends entirely on wether the government has placed any restrictions on arms other than firearms in your jurisdiction (via any notification).

For e.g. there are no restrictions in all of Rajasthan, Punjab etc. but I believe there are restrictions in force in Mumbai city. You'll need to file an RTI with local authorities to procure this info.


Sent from my ST27i using Tapatalk

Re: What is with the new rules

Posted: Wed May 07, 2014 4:24 pm
by maverick786us
Thanks for the information?

I live in Delhi. What about the laws of Delhi? Now Cart2India imports everything from Bombay and then delivers the item to the respective place. Therefore if I order a sword, the custom authority of Bombay will seize it because of the law of Bombay?