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Balisong or Butterfly knives
Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2012 1:37 pm
by Scarface
Can anyone plz help as to where will i get a Balisong or a Butterfly knife in mumbai.
I had bought one from mussorie which i use a lot for learning tricks and hence dropped it a lot
So its loose now....
Can anyone help me plzzzzz
Re: Balisong or Butterfly knives
Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2012 3:08 pm
by knifejunkie
ask moin he is frm mumbai and an expert in knives.
Re: Balisong or Butterfly knives
Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2012 4:08 pm
by Moin.
knifejunkie wrote:ask moin he is frm mumbai and an expert in knives.
Knifejunkie, thank you much for your kind words, but no experts here. Just a bunch of people passionate about knives and edged weapons. All here to learn from each other...
Scarface, Chinese knock off's are available at Heera Panna at Haji Ali from 500-1000 depending on how you negotiate. Nieto Butterfly Knives are available at Saleh Arms Stores in Crawford Market for 800-900 I think but the quality is very poor....
Re: Balisong or Butterfly knives
Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2012 5:47 pm
by Skyman
Aren't they illegal here? Remember something of that sort in some document i read.
Re: Balisong or Butterfly knives
Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2012 6:45 pm
by knifejunkie
Balisongs are indeed illegal to own cause of their ability to quickly act (in opening) but everything nice is illegal or atleast made so even if law of the land state otherwise take note of hw much trouble we endure in importing knives.
Re: Balisong or Butterfly knives
Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2012 6:55 pm
by Skyman
Add to that spring assist, switch blades, or assisted openers of any kind.Also inertia/gravity knives.
Re: Balisong or Butterfly knives
Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2012 7:10 pm
by TC
Skyman wrote:Add to that spring assist, switch blades, or assisted openers of any kind.Also inertia/gravity knives.
I have all of these. Never heard the Indian Arms Act saying anything about springs, gravity and switches..
Had it been so then the artisans at Rampur, makers of the famous Rampuri knives that you often saw in Hindi films in the 70s/80s would have died years ago.
The only thing that is legally banned are sword sticks popularly called guptis primarily because they are camouflaged.
Experts on the Arms Act may throw some light on this subject.
Re: Balisong or Butterfly knives
Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2012 7:36 pm
by rishi_mevil
i would like some information about the balisong knife as i'm very much interested in buying one..
if anyone could help me get ane in b'lore plz..
Re: Balisong or Butterfly knives
Posted: Mon Feb 11, 2013 6:17 am
by mhalik
rishi_mevil wrote:i would like some information about the balisong knife as i'm very much interested in buying one..
if anyone could help me get ane in b'lore plz..
you can just search it internet you can find many information's there
A quality cheap weapons for sale adds to the quality of your life.
Re: Balisong or Butterfly knives
Posted: Mon Feb 11, 2013 10:44 am
by brihacharan
Scarface, Chinese knock off's are available at Heera Panna at Haji Ali from 500-1000 depending on how you negotiate. Nieto Butterfly Knives are available at Saleh Arms Stores in Crawford Market for 800-900 I think but the quality is very poor....

> But then you have a "Balisong" for whatever its worth
Re: Balisong or Butterfly knives
Posted: Mon Feb 11, 2013 11:45 am
by kalashnikovcult
i have a suggestion if you just want to practice get the desi ballisong version with 2 flat handles a little broad ..its been in the market for years .comes for like 20-30 rs
Re: Balisong or Butterfly knives
Posted: Tue Feb 26, 2013 6:34 pm
by shyn
I would like to gift my brother a Balisong Trainer but can't seem to find a good one in my budget! (I'm based in HYDERABAD)
Would really appreciate any leads!
Found a few on, but they seem to be way too overpriced! If I can't find anything else I'm willing to shell out even 2-3k but need something good. Here are the links-
1. ... 957wt_1139
2. ... 888wt_1139
3. ... 732wt_1139
4. ... 994wt_1139
Re: Balisong or Butterfly knives
Posted: Tue Feb 26, 2013 8:09 pm
by slingshot
Hi Shyn,
Please go to and look for Balisong Trainers or go to this link ... ng+trainer
There will be additional courier charge and customs. All in all you should be able to get this for about USD 40 landed at your doorstep, and within your budget. If my math is wrong, I apologise.
Cheers, Slingshot
Re: Balisong or Butterfly knives
Posted: Tue Feb 26, 2013 10:28 pm
by Moin.
get a cheapo chinese knock off from Heera Panna and tape the edge with electricians tape. Viola you have your trainer. Whn you get good at it you can upgrade to something like a Bradley Kimura or even the Benchmade Blisongs if you can afford.
Re: Balisong or Butterfly knives
Posted: Wed Feb 27, 2013 10:19 pm
by knifejunkie
kalashnikovcult what do you mean by rs 20-30, do you have a picture of it.